General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo,spec,invoker,zeus why this heroes does not move me in veryhigh ...

Meepo,spec,invoker,zeus why this heroes does not move me in veryhigh skill bracket? in General Discussion

    I played well on those heroes i really owned the game i created new acc. And search some heroes to be use to get very highskill in every game. dotabuff said invoker meepo spec tinker and so on when u played it well u should go on veryhighskill. Why i got 20+ kills to zeus and spec and 13-0-18 in invoker and still normal skill? And i got pudge 3-13 and got on highskill i dont really understand they're satisfaction to determine the gameplay of your bracket . Look at my PROFILE AND CHECK IT.
    pls any suggestion?

    today im sad so i cant tr...

      I think you have to get perfect KDA and get into high skill every matches then when you meet the VHS player you have to win against them , look at my profile. Fking pathetic at VHS.


        I got perfect kda like 13-0 invoker
        22-3 zeus 24-11 spec and still normal skill ? Wtf when i got pudge 3-12 highskill lol? Wtf


          You only played 5games yet lol


            Are You aware of the fact That you played only 11 games ??

            M U R D E R

              lol you got HS after these games you speak of.
              And your 3-12 performance in HS showed that you probably are just the ordinary NS player. That, or you just suck at Pudge.


                So how many games can i pretty see those vhs games when i played well? Morethan 20?

                M U R D E R

                  If you stomp HS players, you should get VHS. How soon depends on how hard you stomp.

                  It's highly unlikely to go to VHS straight from NS.
                  At least from what I've observed.

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                  Not Today

                    lol i got VHS in my 3rd game only.

                    registered flex offender

                      I got vhs in my first 20 ish games. Doesn't mean that your ranked games will be vhs though.


                        u have that score cause u play versus bad players if he put u on very high skill u will see how u will get fucked in ass even in jungle


                          i don't think it's the score, i saw people with really big scores but still in NS/HS

                          for me it takes average 3-5 games from when i make a new acc.


                            Not today. Why u move fast to the vhs even though u not performing well? Is it affect the server?


                              Or u party with high mmr so you lane with vhs bracket?


                                no i'm just good at dota.


                                  Maybe apm counts. NS players are slow thinking af


                                    When people think that DotA actually looks at the skill level of the hero. lol
                                    Hell no, they look at the skill of the PLAYER, you normal skill smurf.

                                    Also, smurf detection sees your IP address and probably MAC address to see you are the same player as before and truly deserve normal skill, despite being able to beat smurfs who suck more than you.

                                    Best advice = play on your real account and get gud until you get the MMR you want.

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                    M U R D E R

                                      ^that's horrible advice really

                                      if i never smurfed i'd still be way more dogshit than i am now, or at least would have been dogshit for far much longer

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                        Snu you have no idea what you are talking about. They do not look at your IP and put your in a bracket. I got a few normal then high and then all VHS. Performed bad as support and got a few high but is now back to all VHS as support.

                                        Its all about the skill of your own really like you said but smurf detection does not work like that. Smurf will put you in a bracket when you perform in that bracket.


                                          @薄氷, Smurfing and still normal skill. The only people you are playing against are MORE smurfers who are also dogshit.

                                          Lol, you think it is bad advice to get good? Its people like you that wont truly improve. You think you deserve to have a better MMR, so you smurf, and when you still get normal skill, you convince yourself that the system is rigged, or that you did get a higher MMR in an easier fashion. What is wrong with you people? Figure out what it takes for you to learn DotA, learn it, win, and raise in MMR. How the hell is that bad advice?

                                          @Jomh4. Smurf Detection may be a myth, but I believe it cuz I have seen troll VHS players who try to calibrate low by under-performing, feeding, and throwing games. Yet they are still VHS. True, you will get placed where you belong, but Valve isn't a dumbass producer. Smurfs have been around forever, and they have found ways (and are prob working on more), to detect them, and discourage them.

                                          The point is, when you are Normal Skill, don't try to smurf your way out of it; play your way out of it. The only thing a smurf is EVER good for is learning a new hero, or practicing one. And even then, it is better to practice that hero on your main account, just do it in Normal Matchmaking.

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                          Not Today

                                            @rx rofl i dont even party. All my games are solo. Even if you are losing you must perform well. I lose my 3rd game playing AM but i had 600+ gpm that game. If u smurfed and you're still at NS. Stop smurfing and play many rank matches with your main. Just play to improve and dont blame ur team when losing.


                                              Why aren't smurf/boosted/bought accounts VAC banned yet

                                              Professor Dog

                                                What you're not realizing is that all t those 200-0 games you're going on about DID get you to high skill... then you fed as pudge so you probably fell back

                                                M U R D E R


                                                  At least I'm in the very upper part of normal skill. I can win every single game on my main now, at least as long as my entire team doesn't straight up go feed non-stop.


                                                    1. Define very upper part.
                                                    2. Show me your main.
                                                    3. Learn to carry despite idiot team.

                                                    Congrats on the raising!
                                                    Stop blaming team mates. If you played flawlessly, used PMA, and encouraged team mates, you would win those games you deem "unwinnable cuz of teammates"

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                    M U R D E R

                                                      idiot team and reaction-less brainless feeder team are two entirely different things.
                                                      Who the fuck goes to farm the lanes far from the base when your team is behind by 30 kills (because players who insisted on mid/safelane are all going something like 0/7/2 by min 20 because they all died to pudge),even when you instruct them not to go beyond the tier 2 towers alone at any cost? One lost fight means lost game, and they go farm mid lane at the river with no wards, nice.

                                                      Also, a funny thing I've discovered is that 0-2000 mmr with decent behavior score has players incomparably better than shit behaviour score and 2000-3000 mmr.

                                                      By upper part of NS I mean 2-4k smurfs combined with occasional 3-5k casual/stacked players.

                                                      In this account almost all players tend to have almost-perfect lasthitting skill (during lane) and decent reaction time, in my 2kish main Sven and OD safelane loses lane completely to a solo Bounty Hunter...

                                                      I also have 800 mmr very old account, and I've now decided to play only that one, or this one... Because players there are simply far better than my 2-3k main.
                                                      I play for quality dota, not mmr, after all. I agree that there is a huge difference between 5k mmr and 4k mmr, a 4k mmr and 3k mmr, but there is no such thing for 0-1000-2000-2500 mmr whatsoever. There it's pure luck who gets to calibrate where.

                                                      I played with a 387 mmr guy today, and I can 100% tell that he played much better than my 2.7k teammate in my latest game. The 387 mmr guy successfully initiated with Sand Kind which led to an enemy team wipe, while the 2.7k necrophos can't use his Scythe to stun a fleeing enemy with 55% hp...

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                      Not Today

                                                        @Snu Thanks man. No problem.


                                                          The hero dont move you to higher bracket. You are the one make that happen.

                                                          Donald Trump 2016

                                                            VHS is too ez for Donald Trump. I need a bracket beyond VHS.


                                                              @Snu it should affect when you pick "Im a begginer" question when u start playing dota 2? Thats why its hard to move up on vhs bracket even tho i so good to ns or hs?


                                                                @Not Today what you pick in the question when u start creating dota?


                                                                  Play about 1000 more games then come back.

                                                                  Fox McCloud

                                                                    Rofl. When i started this smurf i spammed the heck out of spec and instantly got VHS by my 2nd or 3rd game. Check my history.

                                                                    Calibrated at 4k. Was borderline 3k on my original account. Took little effort on my part, the system is kind of bs.

                                                                    And yes, im enjoying 4k games more than im enjoying 3k, and that's all that matters.

                                                                    saving private RTZ

                                                                      you dont deserve VHS its simple as that. Git gud

                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!