General Discussion

General DiscussionQuitting DOTA

Quitting DOTA in General Discussion

    Hi Guys,

    I just want to share something before I leave this game, I enjoyed playing this game for almost half of my life but today is the day that I need to break my bondage in this game. Guys, the lord loves you and do not neglect the spiritual portion of your life. The truth is.. this game will not love you back. It will just take your time, money and energy do not be deceived and do not wait until it's too late for you to quit. You know that there are so many things that are important than spending countless hours on this game. Your parents, family, career and God.

    John 3:16
    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    saving private RTZ

      For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


      one syllable anglo-saxon


        saving private RTZ

          its not the game's fault, is your fault but w/e.

          Your Wife's Boyfriend

            "this game will not love you back"

            dont be angry its much better when you have free time than staring into the wall for 2 hours but thats just my opinion. It is meant to kill ur time, but if you rly spend so much energy and money i guess its better for you that way. And ur post is way too religious, sry but I find this offensive :(

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              WTF is this shit actually? Either you are posting shit and return right back into it the next day, or Satan has gotten the better of you and you need more than just the help of God to bring you back to the pure world

              saving private RTZ

                Dota is the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Dota


                  smells like herecy


                    god loves me just like he loves half the population that lives on under 2 bucks a day

                    great god you got there man lol

                    saving private RTZ

                      also the idea that forgiveness needs sacrifice(Jesus' death) is horrible and terrific. Christianity is quite inconsistent with its own values


                        ROFL i hope this is a troll

                        Professor Dog

                          Isn't Gaben the Lord tho? And his son is the compendium and low prio is hell and smurfs and jungle legion commanders are angels?


                            @Kappa, how is it inconsistent? This isn't even "JUST" a Christianity thing. Wrong must be met with justice, or self sacrifice, or any asshole can do anything, say sorry, and get away with it.

                            Why else do we send law-breakers to prison? Its the same concept really, except Christianity (and other religions) demands more than society.

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                            me, government hooker

                              nigga got lost in the sauce
                              never get lost in the sauce

                              registered flex offender

                                Hail satan


                                  Hail satan

                                    이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.
                                    saving private RTZ


                                      Provide me good philosophical arguments that make me somewhat responsible for something 2 humans did ages ago.(even though Adam and Eve, or the "first humans" can't historically exist because of evolution). After you've done that, tell me how thats not cruel, that i have to feel the consequences of someone's else actions.

                                      And then still, the idea of having Jesus to sacrifice is stupid. Firstly why would God have to kill himself to forgive us instead of just, well, forgiving us. And even than, a sacrifice means something its lost. Yet nothing was lost. Jesus (supposedly) came back 3 days after.

                                      This is the true wh*re of religion. It allows masses of people to believe in a idea which, if it was believed by a a single person, it would make them lunatic.
                                      If someones starts doing rituals over a KFC chicken and calls it the flesh of Elvis Presley, they are psychotic. If some other people do more or less the same with bread and wine but call it the body of Jesus, they're just Catholics.


                                        lel no why did god need to sacrifice his son and didnt just reset everything to zero and completely remove sin from the world lol this is why i cant trust all this religious shit


                                          Silly bible quotes aside it is a good idea to take a while away from this game I find.


                                            Dota community is too toxic to keep people in the game anyway
                                            Gaming is just a time killer,its fine if you can manage your time
                                            But if it's taking you too much time and energy I hope you actually quit instead of trying to get attention of cocky pricks in this site


                                              @Kappa, I won't fill forum with religious beliefs, but feel free to email me at, and I would be happy to discuss it with you.


                                                Excuse me sir. Have you been touched by the flying spaghetti monster's noodly appendage?

                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                  This guy is bluffing. If someone has to announce they are leaving in forums, they return on the same or different account, but they return.

                                                  I had a friend in mid-4k, he quit dota about 10 months ago. At first I thought he was bluffing and would return in like 2 months like he and my other high mmr friends dide when they said they were quitting.

                                                  But he literally stopped playing.

                                                  He said he was focusing on his career in programming and Dota was getting in the way of that. He has been doing some freelance projects and has done projects for about 4 different companies since.

                                                  He plays SF V now though since his retiring from Dota, and the most dota related he gets is watching tournaments. Last time I spoke to him about Dota was around Ti when me and some friends watched the finals at our friend's house. And he said he was a little out of the loop with the meta change and everything, but he still watches tournaments at least.

                                                  TL;DR: my friend said he quit dota, but did not announce this to some forum. Only to his close friends and has kept to it since. And plays Street Fighter V here and there. But has not played in almost a year.

                                                  NOTE: I say OP is bluffing, he will return. Plus this god talk is cringy, reminds me of those fake recovered drug addicts that talk about God constantly, like we get it, dude. You did hardcore drugs and were actually a decent to cool person until you got "help" and brainwashed to believe God saved you from your addiction when people should just mind their own business and let you OD to your inevitable fate. lool


                                                    I don't think u have to be a religious person to realise that such a perfect world can't have been just created by no-one and it's all just a random consequence of some big bang. Think about a computer program - how many errors (bugs) will u have before u can present it to someone? And after u do present it what are the chances that it's flawless? I mean, why predators have eyes straight in front whereas preys have eyes looking both sides?

                                                    M U R D E R

                                                      It's called evolution lmao, like 400 million years to develop everything to perfection.

                                                      I'm not saying there is no god though.

                                                      Isaac Pwnton

                                                        Fact is God is on Twitter.

                                                        Other fact is religions are written in books by humans who wants to remote control the majority of stupid people "believers".
                                                        If u believe u don't have to think/know about anything cuz a stupid book written from bad people say so.

                                                        So everyone who believes in god refuses to think and should be called idiot. Sorry.


                                                          If you want to play Dota seriously, you need firstly to check if your life goals are compatible with that purpose.


                                                            So u're trying to tell me that one day all the predators came up to EVOLUTION and said : "ok, we want to focus on our prey so give us eyes in front of our heads". To which grass-eating animals required: "well, dear EVOLUTION, if you're gonna give those assholes that kind of eyes, give us eyes on both sides so that we can know they're approaching "?

                                                            Isaac Pwnton

                                                              Ever read the theory about evolution ?
                                                              Ever learned something in the school about it ?

                                                              Otherwise just do it - why do i even respond to someone who wants to talk to the evolution ...-.-

                                                              saving private RTZ


                                                                If you have no idea how natural selection works, then please shut up.
                                                                ignorance =/= wisdom.

                                                                idk why religious people just get so butthurt when i attack their religion.

                                                                I mean i wouldn't mind it if they were actually intelligent people, but most of them are just ignorant and blind, like the BlurryBob case

                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                lm ao

                                                                  god loves me just like he loves half the population that lives on under 2 bucks a day
                                                                  great god you got there man lol

                                                                  kitrak lol

                                                                  i thought you were alt-right

                                                                  lm ao

                                                                    LOL plebs in this thread lmao clearly overlooking the sociohistoric function of Christianity over 'muh feels'.

                                                                    lm ao

                                                                      God its so good to be back


                                                                        this is why we can't have nice things


                                                                          Haha. Dotabuff forum witnessing an illuminating theological and existential philosophy debate that clears away the darkness that is superstition and religion? Zues gna be so mad.


                                                                            Good post!


                                                                              Religious people still don't understand religion kek. God loves you lmao.

                                                                              Anyway, if you're not having fun playing i guess it's better for You to leave, sad bro.


                                                                                Sometimes I feel so intelligent that everyone else seems hopelessly dumb.

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  Evolution and religion are not at odds. Evolution is a process, religion is a reason. Creation in the bible and other holy texts is a spiritual myth, not literal history of the world. It always strikes me very odd that Catholics who believe literally when christ said "this is my body" that the bread literally was his body, yet they understand that creation in genesis is an allegory. And then on the other side fundamentalist protestants believe in the entire literal interpretation of just about everything in the bible except the phrase "this is my body." They pick and choose I guess, to each his own.

                                                                                  But anyway, OP is trollin' but quitting dota probably is good for your blood pressure and general stress levels. I am way less stressed when I don't play.

                                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!