General Discussion

General Discussiondotabuff achievements

dotabuff achievements in General Discussion

    are there going to be more added achievements soon?

    I actually like the implementation pretty much and as I can see there is one guy who has almost got all the achievements unlocked(except underlord 20 wins).
    Maybe adding one more level on everything would be a nice move?

    Maybe we could even use this topic to add some ideas on what to add in the achievements?


      lol, I guess I am the only one who cares about achievements here


        why would u care about that tho


          The same reason why everybody cares about their mmr, their want to get a higher number out of it...


            Achievement score is more valuable than MMR. You can get higher MMR with Smurfs but you cant get more achievements just by making a smurf :P


              mmr represents how well you play, achievements represent how much time u wasted playing. higher achievements are more of a shame, xD.


                So by that logic its a shame for me to have like 5k games with a 50-55% winrate and 5-6k achievements points, but it is not a shame to have the same score for the mmr?

                For example if I have a 51% winrate with 5k games that means that I have the equivalent of 100(2%*5k) games higher mmr comparing to the point that I started playing. The only thing you can have an effect on is basicly the calibration so If I calibrated at 4k and kept the winrate on 51% at some time I should get higher mmr.

                MMR is just a number, like the achievement points are. I don't get why you would discredit one but not the other.


                  if u managed to get a lot of achievement points and are still a bad player, it means that , with a certain degree of generalization, u are dumb. i know all that shit that "grades do not represent intelligence", and "i am not stupid, im just not made for maths/physics/etc", but in most cases inability to learn to do something well despitei nvesting time in it is a bad sign for you.
                  If u managed to get high mmr, u r supposed to be a decent player able to learn things (unless u bought the acc, but same shit works for achievements).

                  For example if I have a 51% winrate with 5k games that means that I have the equivalent of 100(2%*5k) games higher mmr comparing to the point that I started playing. The only thing you can have an effect on is basicly the calibration so If I calibrated at 4k and kept the winrate on 51% at some time I should get higher mmr.

                  you have to be smthng not equal to 0 in order to calibrate at 4k from the start.

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    Did you just unwillingly agree with me that people who have a lot of achievement points are either good players or extremely dumb?

                    Also, notice that nowhere did I say that one goes without the other.

                    bot hard mute

                      triplesteal has 4,3k ranked game and mmr of 5,7k. his ranked wr is 51% -> 43 games surplus * 25mmr= 1075. u calibrated around 4,6k mmr triplesteal?


                        u did some mistakes in ur maths. i calibrated at high 3ks for both solo and party.
                        surplus = 0.02*4300 = 86
                        86*25= 2150
                        i played more than a half of my games in party so the numbers might not match exactly, i had quite a lot of +-45 and +-5 matches.

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          idk whether i agreed with u or not cz after re-reading ur last two posts for 3 times b4 writing my one, I was still not very sure what u meant.


                            In theory a better player will get more achievements over fewer games. They would win games more often, thus getting the win X games with X hero achievements faster. They would play more efficiently, thus getting the lifetime achievements for doing things faster and so on.
                            Therefore I propose a new measure of Skill. I call it your Achievement to Games Ranking (AGR). You take your number of Arbitrary Points from achievements, divide by your total number of games and then multiply by 1000.

                            I have 2365 Arb points and I've played 1162 games. My Achievement to Games Ranking (AGR) is then 2035.
                            TripleSteal has 4385 Arbitrary point over 5099 games giving him an AGR of 860.
                            This proves that my new measure of skill is completely useless since TripleSteal is a far better player than me (I'm terrible)
                            So yeah I don't really know what the point of this post is anymore. I guess they're called Arbitrary points because they're arbitrary.
                            Achievements are still cool though! Post your AGR below!


                              The point being that mmr is just a number that you can be higher or lower depending your decisions. There is a really low chance of someone who is extremely bad getting the "huskar kills 10 heroes without dying", it takes at least some skill.

                              Since mmr can after the calibration(max 5k) get only higher and lower by cca 25 mmr points it still takes a lot of time to get to the higher levels, because you depend on 9 other players and their decisions.

                              I do agree that getting all the achievements there are can be due to wasting extremely high amount of time into the game, but you can't agree on that and still pretend that mmr doesn't take you time to get.

                              You are one of the guys who keeps spamming that "with time you will get better", then how the fuck doesn't that logic cover the achievement points, because you literally need time to achieve all the shit listed there.

                              And the situation where people have a shitload out of the achievement points but no mmr is possible too.
                              Some guys just don't care about mmr.


                                u can improve ur skill without getting any achievemnt points for a long, long while; but ur mmr gonna change depending on how ur performance changes. rating is more, uhm, sensitive, and way more representative.

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  you can improve your skill without improving your mmr too.
                                  I will stay with the "mmr is just a number" rethoric, because it is only a number.
                                  Some people are trying to improve it and some don't care. Same goes for achievement points.

                                  Read all of my posts and your posts again and you will see that this was the start of the debate("why do you care about AP", "why do you care about mmr").


                                    i cant understand the way u express urself. mb if you summarize it to some brief clear statements, i might understand something, but i got a strong feeling that the topic is meaningless (i mean, not the thread topic, but the topic of this particular discussion).


                                      What part don't you understand?
                                      The "mmr is just a number" thing? Seems pretty clear to me...
                                      Point it out and I will explain it.


                                        im a john snow of this thread
                                        mmr is just number that reflects one's skill with a certain (small) degree of uncertainty. a X k mmr is always worse than a (X+1000) mmr player, excluding all the boosted/bought accounts, and 6.5-9kk bracket.

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!