General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat could I have done personally for this game?

What could I have done personally for this game? in General Discussion

    I randomed Viper and my mid went well, I overall was doing well, I could've roamed a bit more early.

    What build/item/strat could I have gone to have a better chance?


      from some scrub in same bracket. Guess that PA is your friend that starts with doto so I will not blame him, but he was definitely reason of your loss. I played lots of viper on my previous acc before it got stolen (got to 3,5k with it two years ago when I was taking doto more seriously than just a game filling my friday evenings) so I may have some tips that may/may not be beneficial for you:

      items wise:
      -upgrade shadow blade into silver edge to break Timber's reactive armor (E) if you had problems killing him (judging from hero damage, he was definitely a problem)
      -manta on viper isn't really that great so if you didn't need that dispel (the only thing worth dispeling on enemy team is Bloodseeker's silence so meh) because viper's illusions are dogsh!t
      -dragon lance early helps greatly, later hurricane pike is great for kiting naix etc. You should consider it
      -Instead of heart, you should have gotten Satanic if you needed that much of str to survive (viper's Q is NOT an UAM anymore)

      playstyle wise:
      -none of your team was hitting buildings... nethertoxin works on towers same way it works on creeps (half of dmg) so viper has insane pushing power early to mid game.
      -your team had like no support/utility items despite having shaker and lich (no glimmer, no gg boots or even mek, no pipe, no
      -You should have pushed way earlier because viper falls off very soon and they had pretty greedy lineup and pretty bad timings on their core items. Also you had no late game heroes because PA (even if he was solid player) falls off pretty hard as well.


        Well PA is friend, and yeah he had awful game. Our lineup was't the best and we didn't itemize great.

        This next game is another I'd want to ask the same question.

        My AM lane sucked bad though so its my fault. Im trying to figure out how to lane as AM in dogshit lane (this was storm necro vs me and roaming bounty, so basically solo)

        casual gamer

          bought dragon lance and not gone shadow blade manta

          probably you didnt take rosh enough and couldnt close the game


            Silver edge and linkens.

            Your team had no mek, you're supposed to get mek in this situation.

            Don't die at all.


              laning in a dogshit lane is simple

              just learn creep aggro and creep pulling


                oh, and knowing how to do it is just one matter

                knowing when to do it to maintain perfect creep equilibrium is another

                in that match we had a jungling mirana and duo lane bb and lion, so i was left to solo lane vs clock and bs

                the thing with that matchup is, its actually easy, if you know what youre doing. i played really safe, pulling all of their creeps into my ranged creep then pulling the small/large camp if the creeps go far away. also im not that bad at lhing under tower, and by 10 mins i had 40-50cs (tho i know others who can get a lot more)

                however, i couldve also played it agressively. whenever bs casted bloodrage on himself, i could hit him a few times for a bit more damage, which may even lead to a kill if he's stupid. idk if i did that tho since the game was a long time ago, prob not

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                  you, and your whole team could've actually pushed a tower once in your NS lives

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