General Discussion

General DiscussionThe power to control your dream (unrelated to dota)

The power to control your dream (unrelated to dota) in General Discussion

    The official name to this is lucid dream. Is anyone using this? Can you actually use this to practice dota?

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      Probably not. Dreaming turns off rational decision making


        i dont use it properly but yes 100% doable even for doto. actually not just this a lot of stuff from psychology not only change ur dota related skills but also ur whole life


          Do it make u a better person? So extra around 8 hour of practicing dota?

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            "I will see you in another life... when we're both cats."


              ? Cheap laugh guy

              fear is the mind killer

                im a lucid dreamer since my young days and don't see how and why would you use it to improve at DOTA


                  why would you waste the potential of a lucid dream just to improve in dota?

                  fear is the mind killer




                      Riguma Borusu


                        Dire Wolf

                          There's a point in a dream where you sort of realize it's a dream but you aren't awake yet. From that point on I can always control my actions, like if it's a nightmare where someone's chasing me or something I turn around and kick their ass with ninja skills, or if I'm in an awkward public situation I start making out with the hottest chick or something. But I wouldn't be able to control it enough to change the subject matter and have a dream about dota. I have had dreams about dota maybe once or twice but it's awful actually, feels more like a chore.

                          Jay the Bird

                            Why practice dota when you can fuck bitches