General Discussion

General Discussionwhats impact of dota on daytoday your life ?

whats impact of dota on daytoday your life ? in General Discussion

    I think i m losing concentration power in studies lul ! Dota made me too short tempered i guess cuz i become angry on my parents while playing dota if they ask me something ! Later this makes me sad ! I m 19btw , and whats ur age ? Did u feel the same way ? Did any1 of u try to leave dota ?

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    fear is the mind killer


      Take it easy, its better for everyone and you will eventually improve faster

      Dire Wolf

        Well actually I did quit playing before christmas just cus I'm always too busy at holidays. Haven't played in almost a month. And the difference is noticeable. I'm much less stressed in general now. You don't realize how much losing affects your mood until you quit. Even for me, who really doesn't rage or get to upset by the game, subconsciously it still stressed you out.

        Also I'm less rushed to do real life things cus dota is such a scheduled game for me. I have kids so I only play when they are sleeping soundly so it doesn't get interrupted which means a small 2-3 hour window usually before I go to bed, which is one or two matches tops. If I'm looking to play some dota I start rushing through work or putting them to bed cus I know that window is small and I can't play dota for 15 mins and stop if something comes up. It makes life unintentionally more stressful. Like last night, didn't play, kids went to bed an hour late but I didn't care. Then I chilled watching tv, made some chili for lunches all week while watching, went to bed. Very relaxing.

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          responsibilities. sigh


            Can you take a look at my profile, see activity at 2015, and compare with 2016, until now. What you see ?

            I'm 25 btw, and Im not addcited to DotA 2 anymore, cause its take from you a lot of time, and money. ;)

            Just balance it man. Easy

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
            fear is the mind killer

              ^ feelsbadman


                Yes. I'm trying to quit dota because of that. I played only 2 games in last 2 weeks so i think i can quit this shit. I'm thinking of going to anger management courses coz i started hurting my friends verbally during a dota match

                Dire Wolf

                  Sir lanto are you joking? You have a 3 day span in december where you played 56 matches. Even at 45 mins a match which I think is low since your average match length is 41:50, plus ~3 min queue time plus ~6-7 min load and pick and pregame time, maybe a couple mins post game, matches are probably closer to 55 or an hour, that's 42 hours of dota in 3 days, or over 14 hours a day. You're still a dota addict dude. An alcoholic who only gets plastered on weekends is still abusing alcohol.

                  Dire Wolf

                    "Yes. I'm trying to quit dota because of that. I played only 2 games in last 2 weeks so i think i can quit this shit. I'm thinking of going to anger management courses coz i started hurting my friends verbally during a dota match"

                    That's a little excessive. I'm just saying in general my stress is down not playing and I didn't think I was even stressed before.


                      it is important to not get to emotionally invested while try harding. lul


                        Yeah , need to balance dota and real life !

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          Dota is fun to play while killing times tho,BTW I will have item for MY hero in 7 day Wuhoo!


                            @Jacked But thats literally impossible xD


                              Dire Wolf : I don't negate ! Yes, I'd few days played too much on December. Because at this time, I'm free, and reach 4k then take a break a long time was my goal. And you see, after that I dont play much anymore. Exactly I'm not person activity on DotA 2 very often.


                                I'm 12 btw haHAA


                                  Btw should I say I'm 13 btw haHAA instead of I'm 12 btw haHAA? Since it's 2017.





                                      You gotta learn to chill out

                                      Player 123655765

                                        If it conflicts with your study you should try to focus on managing your time. My first year with dota I was kicked out in my first school (state University) because of failing grade because I always play straight from night till dawn. Went to a Private school, although didn't stop playing. What I did was enrolled in afternoon/night subject. I didn't play when I need to study for exams/quiz/etc and make dota as a reward when I get high marks. Always listen while in class and never think about dota when in school that way you still can keep up with your subjects. I'm an accountancy graduate, and about to take the board but Im still playing every now and then. Just to relieve stress, but as a 2k scrub dota is much more stressful so fuck 2k!



                                          I actually think Dota has helped me in my day-to-day life. I'm a lot more tolerant of people as I always remember that the people in games are much worse. Especially in high school, where people try to make themselves seem a lot more interesting than they actually are and try to humble-brag to everyone.

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                          Won't care, Don't care. XD


                                            well, dota show my friend my real demon, and my leadership, and many toxic words i never speak in real life communication lul.

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                              I think it work totally different around for me,I am a nature loving person I try to never do anything that harm the environment,I love jungle-and I am a Jungeler only player

                                              Won't care, Don't care. XD

                                                how can you said yourself nature loving, when you go inside jungle, killing any neutrals the moment they are spawned?
                                                i will report you to PETA LiceTea

                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                  They are harmful animals that will attack anyone that walk by,must eliminates them!


                                           stomach XD

                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                      ^What your stomach!?!?
                                                      You mean you hungry and want to eat them after they die!?
                                                      *Throw you dying golem*

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                        I have felt that dota have been a large portion of my life. I started dota feb 2016, at start i was very mad at my result in dota and real life too, after that i become more forgiving easygoing. I still addicted to dota helpp

                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          Dota 2 balances out the pressure to compete in school.


                                                            This is a good thread. I can relate to @Dire Wolf. :)
                                                            Well i'm a young dad, 22 yrs old with a 1 yr old baby boy who will spam press my keyboard whenever you play while he's awake. I only play dota during night time until 2am. Which is becoming very unhealthy for me. I lack sleep coz i need to wake up and take care of my son later in the morning. I just cant stop playing whenever i'm idle. I have a gf tho, who visits me during the day and takes care of our son during weekends. Dota also had some positive effects on me, it's a good alternative for s3x, which prevents unplanned pregnancy. The only thing me and my friends do is play dota or drink beer until we drop.


                                                              Actually it's the opposite.


                                                                Started September 2015, I realize how it's kinda stressing me, I hardly ever tilt when playing, even after a 7 loss streak, but I recently started tilting HARD after like 2 losses and I think it's affecting my personality, but whatever, no better feeling that beating a Riki/slark picker in ranked



                                                                  One of the biggest contributor of all the hatred and sadness inside of me.
                                                                  Happiness too!


                                                                    I think a break from Dota would be great for all of us, but I don't think we all have the luxury of that choice

                                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                      'Dota also had some positive effects on me, it's a good alternative for s3x, which prevents unplanned pregnancy.'

                                                                      Renshin we call for you to reply this!!!

                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                        I am a college educated professional who just attained one of the highest certifications for my industry (project management)

                                                                        I can become too engrossed in work sometimes and as a result lose sleep thinking about it. Dota provides a break from that, a hobby, a way to still critically think and i legit enjoy it


                                                                          I speak the truth. When life hits you, you need to change for the better :)

                                                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                            I lost about 12 jobs because of Dota depressing me. So worth it though.

                                                                            Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                              Good thread tho. I just wanted to tell bit about my life.
                                                                              Im university student and there is still lot of pressure on me. My parents dont like dota at all. Im 3k trash. But i proud myself bit, climbed from 1.7 to here. Basically i dont want normal life like finish collage marry and do the fucking boring job. Im from mongolia and atmosphere and economy is shit cuz of greedy retard government. I just get stressed alot when i think about mongolia. And I regret born in mongolia. But its my life and i just wanted to rich and feel the great feelings of life. I had goal to 5k. No matter how it much time takes. I just wanted to get talented before get older. In real life my parents dont see me as worth so i felt myself unworthy. Atmosphere is fucking shit here. I just dont want to bullied and blamed rest of my life iwant be happy btw. Dota is just like fucking mountain


                                                                                I only play dota because there are no other good games to play ATM. About to get the new ff, so dota will be wothrelss for a bit


                                                                                  23. I never played dota for about a couple of weeks now. At first, it is hard because of withdrawal syndrome from dota but after a week, i notice that i get less stressed, chill in doing something, and I feel that I dont always need to rush things. Compared before where I get mad easily when someone ask me something, maybe because if you are playing dota, you dont want to be asked. So balance it dude. Getting away from dota for a couple of weeks can be good for every player.


                                                                                    But I also use dota as a getaway from stress from work. But now i just need to be away for it for a while to see the difference.

                                                                                    For all the dudes out there, try to play some lan games for some time where you cant be pressured. Play lan games for a while so that you can control your gaming pace whenever you want. Chill, relax, take your time. Breathe. Inhale, exhale.enjoy


                                                                                      Thanks !It is nice to read ur opinions


                                                                                        quit dota. still have this good feeling when you play but at least for me life(university & work)>dota

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