General Discussion


Blessed, Never Stressed

    I'm am currently at the brink of uninstalling dota in my game list due to my current MMR status. I guess this was initially my fault because I did not consider getting addicted to this game when I started playing my TBD MMR games. I didn't know what it was for so I didn't relly bother until now. I considered creating a new account and it's doing good with my games. However, I do not want to ditch this account because I have my items and the current level on this account including the compendiums I purchase are all here. So does anyone have a strategy on how get out of this 1k MMR deep shit?


      But 1k abyss is where real dota is played. Why do you want to get out? It's a trap son!


        What would you say is your real MMR and what is a range you would be happy to be in.

        Would you consider getting someone to boost your account?


          Go uninstall it go uninstall it go uninstall it go uninstall it go uninstall it
          Go uninstall it go uninstall it go uninstall it go uninstall it go uninstall it
          Go uninstall it go uninstall it go uninstall it go uninstall it go uninstall it
          Go uninstall it go uninstall it go uninstall it go uninstall it go uninstall it
          Go uninstall it go uninstall it go uninstall it go uninstall it go uninstall it


            Don't smurf
            stay on your account
            Learn how to farm efficiently
            Try to do the 600 LH 30 min empty lobby challenge
            Utilize your farm a.k.a don't be a retard
            Learn how to itemize

            Impulsive 3k addict.

              Just smurf. Anything below 3.5k is a waste of your time. You dont learn anything from matches. 5 cores win all the time.

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                ^ What bws said.

                I started dota 3 years ago at 1.6, I was 4k in December, but stuck in 3.7 right now lol

                If I can do it, you can do it. Just take a little break if anything. It takes time btw. I was in 2k for like 16 months.

                It is hard to learn in lower brackets but watching pros play can help. If you watch them, do not think the game will go the same way though. Learn from your mistakes.


                  Nah man go uninstall this game, DOTES sucks anyways you will be wasting your time with this game hahaha.

                  But seriously tho why don't you try using Balanar offlane, Early items: PMS, Phase boots, Urn of shadows, Magic Stick or wand, Iron talon(Optional), then rush AGHS take advantage on his vision superiority in night since most likely in your bracket there will be no or just minimal warding then proceed to item whatever you want.

                  And don't forget to gank when its nighttime especially on the first night 3min mark(this is important).

                  also jdf8



                      G I T

                      even if you make a smurf, and make your bracket somewhat higher, you still drop since you did not learn anything
                      Just learn how to play the game and there is no 1k abyss. that bracket piss ez if you know how to win games tbh

                      Blessed, Never Stressed

                        I tried playing support when everyone picks carry, bu still lose. I ward, I heal, pull creeps and stack creeps, deny creeps and make sure carry get last hit and do it all to win but carries at 1k MMR really suck. When I play carry, I lead the game and everyone else falls behind and shit lose game again. Really sad to be on this abyss. Doing great with my other account though and it sucks cause I'm unable to get out of this pit.

                        Blessed, Never Stressed

                          @Garbage Can - someone boosting my account would be totally against my will cause I play good with my other account. I even win one on one mid with people I encounter

                          Ave with an internet pfp


                            P.s 1k is really easy , i escaped from there as support until 3k lul

                            Giff me Wingman

                              @Garbage Can - someone boosting my account would be totally against my will cause I play good with my other account. I even win one on one mid with people I encounter

                              This is the reason you're stuck in 1k.


                                just play better, a high mmr player can literally get to 3k with 1 hand(like me)

                                322 is a must

                                  You can do it pal!

                                  I made a thread about that


                                  Stop playing seriously for a while, read good guide and understand it perfectly.

                                  I stopped playing for 1 month and it did work amazingly for me!


                                    Just play carry and farm

                                    Blessed, Never Stressed

                                      @danishblunt - I don't see a reason on why I should believe a retard like you. So just don't try to make a lousy comment just to say something. If you have nothing good to say, just don't say anything.


                                        broo that bracket is fun and silly
                                        if thats abyss of ur life then quit dota


                                          Wacky: queue only captains mode. Draft the top 5 win rate heroes according to dota buff. Free +25 that's how I escape 1k then people only queue all pick for ranked after 2k which made me sad. I was pro captain.

                                          Gyattysburg Addrizz

                                            If you belong out of 1k, you'll win. I personally suck at Dota, of course, but this isn't really a tip, more of what I believe to be a fact. I calibrated at 600 mmr back when I was still extremely new, and over the course of about 5 months I gotten my MMR up about 1400 to 2k, without playing an exorbitant amount, probably an average of 1.5 games per day.

                                            Still, I believe that your MMR is your ability to win- the opposing team is just as likely to get retards as you, The dota gods don't hate you, the odd's aren't stacked you- If you are better, and are playing heros with something resembling a good winrate, you'll win. I'm not saying that you should just play necro, omni, and cent, but keep in mind that certain heros put you at an inherent disadvantage. As for playing a good carry, all you have to do to get some wins is just farm like a mofo. Most people down here can't even do that.

                                            Best of luck to you.


                                              Start a new account
                                              Play 10 games or so.
                                              Check the mmr of your teammates and opponents. If it is <1k then you truly are where you belong. If it is 1-2k you should grind your current account
                                              If its over 2.5k keep that new account and calibrate it

                                                이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                                                  Just play unranked and enjoy the game casually
                                                  That's what I did and I learnt how to not get titled, I also became a better player in the process

                                                  J3j3M0N L0RD

                                                    I have friends who have 1k mmr. The weakness of 1k MMR players is that "They always engage in fight" The enemy team wipes but the pushing team will go back and farm. Learn from it. Go farm at least 500 GPM. Let your team engage fights. You go push other lanes cause 1k mmr bois have no map awareness. They dont bother to lose tower, they go fight fight fight. So just concentrate on pushing other lanes that has no fight. Farm, go get pushing items, dont engage fights, learn to defend, and learn to push push push objectives. And dont forget to spam your best pushing hero every single game.


                                                      play slark/clinkz/weaver, learn and practice this heroes so you can escape 1k prison soon
                                                      also you can pick mid heroes who can farm very fast like sf, TA or alch


                                                        Make smurf bruh..


                                                          you can win with any hero as long as you can play it, just learn to watch the map and farm efficiently (most importantly - kill potential), shit like that. 1k is rly easy.

                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                          Blessed, Never Stressed

                                                            TBH, I've done some of your suggestions guys. Just like now, my recent games are doing great because I feel like I need to change the tempo of the game so I can get out of 1K Abyss. On my recent games, I played Venge and Tiny because I want to win whenever the team will initiate a fight. I die most likely cause I set the fight for the team but in return we get kills. But I also understand that if I will be the initiator or support, I will have to pray to the SEVEN GODS that my team will perform well and the carry will get the kills. IN 1K MMR, the carry suck most of the time probably 90 percent. So, sometimes I really feel bad and drain my effort to waste. Luckily, my recent games have better carry.


                                                              try to play carry then
                                                              seeing things through different perspective might help


                                                                My mmr is 1.8k and i'm slowly climbing my mmr.

                                                                1-2k mmr SEA is very easy.


                                                                  ^ give me ur acf somwtimws pls

                                                                  let me say i'm the bigges...

                                                                    Play axe

                                                                    Small Song

                                                                      Play random for your long-term growth. I was like 1600 mmr and randomed over and over (even started going through the all-hero thing) until i hit like 1200 mmr. Then i suddenly reversed and started to go up slowly to like 1500. I then started to choose carefully from like 10 heros I enjoyed a lot and got to 2k recently. I don't play often either. You're probably just not as good as you think... start trying to improve and less trying to increase your mmr.

                                                                      Ave with an internet pfp

                                                                        How about you add me on steam ? Iam not a very good player nor have high mmr but i escaped 1k . Maybe i can teach you what i know


                                                                          i can teach better probably. i also escaped 1k easily

                                                                          Blessed, Never Stressed

                                                                            Steam ID please! I'd like to play with dotabuff registered players. For sure you guys know better than those people who did not sign up with dotabuff.


                                                                              ^ay yow bruh add me I can't view your steam tho.Can drop the link so I can add?

                                                                              Blessed, Never Stressed

                                                                                Just play carry and farm - YES, did play carry on my last game. My teammates fall behind early game, they got ganked pretty hard while the mid player feed the carry Anti-Mage. I was also the initiator and played carry at the same time. I was supposed to go mid but a player insisted he goes mid and so he fed Anti-Mage which caused Wraight King to struggle. So I bought wards while also saving gold for my items just to win the game. I even had to pick juggernaut to make sure that my team will have a utility role for healing. I even bait myself just to get the other team initiate at the place I know we can win. Anyway, I guess I just need to keep on going and pray to the SEVEN GODS all the time for my team not to suck.

                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                Blessed, Never Stressed

                                                                                  @Nevermore, is this your steam ID 87222014?

                                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!