Nobody gets MoM on Void and haven't for years. Why the hell would you want to silence yourself for 8 seconds?
MoM in ult but if there's a disabler then your easy target
Vlad if you desolator build
or satanic for situational hitting
this thread has so much autism I cant help but cure it.
never ever go MoM on void, because silencing urself for 8 seconds is asking to die.
vlads is good on utility, offlane void, but that void is dead. usually as safelane carry void there r better items like faster manta or diffusal or linkens.
never ever buy desolator on void unless ur buying it from the enemy base to kill the ancient faster.
satanic also seems bad, it doesn't fit voids hit and run playstyle.
as a safelane carry u want things like manta diffusal mjollnir, or fast linkens, silver edge for initiation, bkb, bloodthorn and mkb for dps, maybe a butterfly, ac for pushing and armor. as offlane utility void, vlads is a good start, and blink is more prioritized cuz u just need initiation not dps. aghs is ok, if going purely utility, but usually as void u need to mix in dps items like ac, diffusal, manta, to have some relevance outside chrono.
Never MoM, seriously just don't
Vlad is still good even on hc void since you will be aiming to fight everytime Chrono is off cd, I like going midas since void doesn't keep up with carries in terms of flash-farming capacity.
Does mom disable orbs too? Pretty sure it does. just wondering if viper could get away with it.
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The AS buff to 120 and 15 damage in the early game is too good to pass imo, you just need to initiate with TW and Chrono then activate it to be "free" of the silence. I only pick vlads if my cores are mostly melee.