General Discussion

General DiscussionWho's the worst hero in Dota?

Who's the worst hero in Dota? in General Discussion

    It's Huskar in my opinion. He's an annoyance at best early game, his kills are almost always a suicide attempt and he's complete shit late game. I wouldn't even consider him a carry by 30-40 min, he's just a feeding machine.

    What hero do you think is the worst?

    also jdf8

      yeah huskar pure 100% shitcan hero

      hate 4k ams dont have the skill to play the hero so they are just a burden


        I would say Techies is an far worse than Huskar. Huskar is immortal vs The right line up. Against some he sucks dick but unlike techies He chooses who he suicides on/Kills. Techies is way too hard to make relevant against some line ups and Most People hate playing With Him, Against him and AS him. At least with the proper items Huskar becomes a monster. Dazzle Huskar ;]



            Broodmother natures prophet doom

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              wow u won one game in 1k this hero must be legit!


                Honestly i think huskar is a very good situational pick.....


                  Huskar is a trashcan most games but his skills allow him to be a god against th right lineup. The problem is that u just dont see those lineups a lot.


                    razor is definately shit.


                      Natures prophet isn't bad???.?.??? I go eblade Dagon and win all the games, 5k players probably just don't have enough skill to be good with the hero it seems, damn shame us 2ks have to carry their asses, as usual!!!!11!


                        i had 6 2 solo offlane vs Am Dis he had bf 30 min still lose

                        also jdf8

                          sorry lads u must have forgotton huskar takes as much damage from spells as antimage except huskar has 30% hp so he just fucking dies from finger

                          also jdf8

                            my mmr is not updating, how deeply upsetting


                              ye except huskar also throws like 50 burning spears onto lion beforehand, and he also has better sustain with heal.
                              its a back and forth, he just sucks against most lineups.


                                Yea huskar against magic used to be so juicy


                                  Other than heroes nobody ever plays like Bane, Earth Spirit or Chen, I would say it is Storm Spirit. The change to root mechanic really screwed him over.


                                    huskar really just needs to be able to snowball hard and win the game by thirty minutes if that doesn't happen he starts to fall off really fast. another problem is that a lot of the really popular pub heroes are good against huskar so you rarely have a good huskar game.


                                      Huskar good iniatator tank if he solo he's a suicide bomber ending up dying but killing his enemy with slow death. its super annoying but if you're there watching your alies suffer you can deny him/her.

                                      NP, Slark, BH, DP, PL, Pugna, KOTL, Techie, Alchemist, SD and Oracle are the worst hero in this patch

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Razor is pretty fucking terrible, but you could talk me into queen of pain, huskar, nature's prophet or enchantress. Broodmother I think suffers from too situational and bad pickers.

                                        Optimus Drip

                                          well, i played only techies all the way up until 7.05. guess who im not playing at all after spamming only him for months?

                                          EDIT: i think broodmothers piss poor winrate is because idiots have no idea how to play her. literally become someone that has to have 2+ people in your lane every single minute of the game and you win. 3 v 4 is hard to win

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                            Worst heroes in my opinion would be those heroes that needs microing because it's tiring and I suck at micro hahaha.

                                            Yeah Huskar sucks if he doesn't have a partner like Daz or Oracle, he will be just like a kamekaze suicide attack.

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                              ... you guys needs to play with bots huskar is like balanced now. WHAT YOU WANT HIM TO BE OVERPOWERED?

                                                이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  No qop takers? She's pretty bad.

                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                    Razor right now seems the most underwhelming so far. He needs attack speed, tankiness, and speed for chasing. His nuke is shitty, unreliable, and can't farm with it. His ultimate is also unreliable because you'll often hit creeps, and it takes too long to build up damage and a decent amount of -armor. Static link would be alright if you were building him up to be a right-clicker, but he needs to tank up as well.

                                                    He's just a low-impact hero throughout, doesn't carry very hard, and doesn't really provide much utility for his allies, poor damage too. His abilities overall just have poor synergy. I can't remember the last time I saw him picked.

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                      Razor can have a niche against LS, WK URSA. All those heros that need to be kited. The thing is , when against these heros you need them to be jumping one of your team mates and not you. Ursa blink slams and chases a support with glimmer/force, you show up and start grabbing his damage. If URSA LS jumps you, while your dead by the time you suck away any notable damage. He fails hard against PA or Jugger.

                                                      Huskar can stomp like people have said if he doesn't end the game with his armlet solar roshan by by 25 mins and take hg.

                                                      I would say personally it seems that enchant/chen seem to be some of the worst at the moment. Almost never see them in game, but they always lose.

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        Bristlepig is garbage.


                                                          Lone druid at this 7.05 patch is worst


                                                            Qop is terrible

                                                            Savvy Cat

                                                              I have a dream.

                                                              I dream of Broodmama with Tranqs, Echo, Bash!

                                                              I dream of BKB, Octarine, Eblade!

                                                              I dream of Dagons for days and weeks on hungering ends!

                                                              I dream of 45% cool down reduction on an Echo, Abyssal, Eblade, BKB, Dagon, and Insatiable Hunger.

                                                              I dream of 1k normal all pick.

                                                              I would also like to petition transferal of backpack items not being effected by cool down reduction.

                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                              Ramtin H

                                                                lone druid and in my opinion the worst hero in dota 2 is doom this hero just sucks 0 armor slow his bat is so high and he is just picked for doing 1 thing to raise his hands and then died when the enemy is using his shrine and laghing at his face


                                                                  Razor being the worse? hell na. He has such amazing Disruption against the right line up and does an insane amount of damage with the right build. Aghs, BKB, Heart, Refresher, Shivas. Fucking insane. Phase, SnY SE, Heart, BKB Refresher also retarded.


                                                                    if u talk the worst hero in Dota 2
                                                                    as a solo hero, I think Doom is the worst hero with the most longest cooldown ult (almost 3 mins) and no matter who the fuck play this hero, he will farming all the time (even miracle-). but if the worst hero in teamfight, I think Brewmaster. no matter who the fuck play this hero, he just keep flying enemy and run


                                                                      Razor is terrible these days

                                                                      Yapulal Zorjeet



                                                                          Micro heroes. I am terrible at them.


                                                                            Bara fuck bara




                                                                                Huskar is down there but you can still get 20min wins against the right enemies and support.

                                                                                Io is just a joke of a hero for almost 2 years now. I had a 62% WR with him and every time I tried him since I regretted it. I don't know if it was the nerf to a bunch of heroes he comboed with or the change from gank meta to push meta to teamfight meta but there is currently no way to make him work.

                                                                                However I can completely ignore most "bad" heroes. What pisses me off more are the mid 40s% Winrate heroes that you see in every game like MK, LC, Slark, Mirana. Why the fuck are millions of people picking heroes that have a certified negative win rate. Fucking Invoker has been tried and tested for years and he ALWAYS has a negative winrate, when will people learn?


                                                                                  Funny enough, I was against a mid core Io last night and I got raped mid as viper. That guy was GOOD. He has 1k IO games played, that fucker was solo pushing towers and soloing our Tusk lol

                                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                    1K game on IO still 3K, and still some player said he's good ggwp


                                                                                      Gyrocopter is trash I think in this patch.

                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        Yeah but a lot of those heroes have negative win rates because of their popularity. The more people who play them the more baddies who have playing them. Besides in any singular match 47% vs 50% is insignificant (mirana and invoker). Also slark has counters, same with AM, bad first picks, so that effects win rate a lot I think. It would be nice to see win rate by pick position. When you're looking at heroes who are around 40% like qop, huskar, monkey king, then yes I agree. That indicates they're underpowered or badly misplayed by the masses (case of mk).


                                                                                          @Ice Tea
                                                                                          I said he's good with Io Lol
                                                                                          He has horrible with most of the other heroes, that's why he's still 3k


                                                                                            @ Gordon Ramsay
                                                                                            Apart from youtube videos I've never seen a core Io. Maybe it works but more likely you got matched against the only good Io core player on earth :D

                                                                                            @ Dire Wolf
                                                                                            Another way to look at it is that higher pick rate leads to greated accuracy. Pudge, PA, CM, Axe have always been in the top 10 most popular heroes, yet their winrate has never dropped under 50%. Of course in an individual match anything can happen but by picking a low winrate hero you are gimping yourself and your team. Those small %s are meaningful. AM only has a 3-4% advantage over Medusa. Silencer only has a 3% advantage over Enigma. Wouldn't you however call them ultimate counters? Wouldn't you rage if someone first picked Medusa and then got countered by AM/Invoker?

                                                                                            It's just an issue of people preferring "fun" over winning. Invoker is fun because even when you are just mashing QWE it feels like you are doing something. Mirana is fun because you'll miss 30 arrows but when you hit one it feels like you are the chosen of Selemene. Slark is fun because you solo supports all day long. However stats don't lie and all that "fun" doesn't win more games. A similar path of thought was jungling in a push meta (7.00 was a great example). Jungling by itself lowered your team's chance to win by 4%. Did people care? Nope, jungling pick rates were high as ever.

                                                                                            As far as picking order goes it might have an impact but I don't feel the above mentioned heroes are victims of counterpicking. Invoker and Mirana don't even have real counter picks. AM and Slark can be countered with lane pressure, 5 manning and pushing so basically any team composition can work well against them.

                                                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!