General Discussion

General DiscussionPSA Games are winnable under lots of situations

PSA Games are winnable under lots of situations in General Discussion

    Now you may be thinking well of course thats kinda obvious but the point im getting at is a little different. In the last two games I had I noticed that my team and were starting to lose and fall behind the pudge was blaming me for going mid and in the other game the nature prophet was new. Now with that in mind I thought to myself if I can farm and get strong while taking the occasional fight so I'm still engaged with my team. It will eventually turns the entire game around because once you feel ready you have to fight with everything you got. If you start to get tilted mid way through the game because you or someone else on the team is threatinging to feed just remember to buckle down and dont let your tilt get the best of you. Now I have had games where it just really impossible to win, but if you can recognize the situation and adjust I can assure the game will change for the better. So what I'm trying to say besides just not giving up because the game is still "winnable" you have to be mentally convinced and invested in the game or else it just won't work.

    Remember it is just a game but there is nothing wrong with doing everything within your reaches to win.

    Hope people take this to heart and apply it to there next games too, Mentality in a game like this is the most powerful thing you can have!!




        Just walk down mid next time

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