General Discussion

General Discussionsolar crest.

solar crest. in General Discussion

    does solar crest remove linkens?


      Try it on Demo Hero then give us an update.


        nope it does not


          Yes it does


            Cheapest item that pops linkens is rod i believe

            casual gamer

              Funky Mr. B

                I am not sure if it used to break it, now it definitely doesn't, for good reason. It's kinda unfair to have such a low-cooldown, cost-effective item be a counter to a 5k gold item.

                Dire Wolf

                  It doesn't or lc would build it waaaay more often!

                  Savvy Cat

                    Fun fact! When you use Shine on an enemy, it is considered a debuff, but the Shine that you receive in turn is considered a buff. So if for example you were to use it on, say, Razor: it would debuff him, but his passive would purge your 'buff' as the game considers it. He loses 10 armor and has a 25% chance to miss while you gain 10 armor and 25% evasion. Alongside Pike, this is his greatest counter, I believe. I don't think it has changed recently.


                      Nope, it does not but i wish it did

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