General Discussion

General DiscussionSlark Position 4 Roam?

Slark Position 4 Roam? in General Discussion

    Is there any way to make this work? I'm like SingSing, always trying to roam with every hero. If it were possible, item and build suggestions?


      oov, windlace, some regen

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        You better CK roam Doom roam or Ogre roam then, slark pounce is so short ranged and isn't even reliable and you're fragile as fuck what you gonna do after you pounce an enemy with skills in their pocket, Dark pact is gonna make you die faster and essence shift takes forever to stack, let them counter gank you and get ez kill?


          tranquils i imagine...

          but how would you build his first 5 levels? 3-1-1?


            so hes fragile yes...what if you did a tranquils / urn? urn would double his survivability and those 2 items could probably have by 10-12 minutes

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              Slark is not the best for this honestly. May be if the enemy lacks disable/mobility then you can go for movespeed/slows and max E first for massive harrass. But other than that, no real value in the pick for the role.


                ^its not abt the best its abt the meme

                I think tranqs r useless given ur ulti, I wud go phase
                urn sounds nice, so does drum, but rn solar crest is too strong so that seems like a good choice as well.
                then a sb, then just whatever utility items/carry items u want, lotus, bkb, basher, etc.


                  regen and orb of venom and sheild to start. boot and windlace + smoke go to killable lanes that enemy is in a bad position. then wand and clarities/raindrop into straight shadow blade and after that finish treads and normal items but without farming jungle and occupied lanes.

                  leveling (w e or e w depending) qqq r qmax wmax emax

                  start with trying to fb if possible then lvlup w. if not just block your midlaner's creeps. then go to a lane that you can harrass or kill. if u wanna harrass probably lvlup e lvl1 and hit with oov. then since u were harrassing and messing with aggro and lane is pushed pull it and farm the wave. get enemy rune and then yours and pull/harrass/kill w8 till 3:40 and roam to enemy bounty rune get it go gank a lane nighttime and wait for them to tp back and kill again. drop tower if possible if not just wait and see if they guy's stupid enough to tp again if not go to another killable lane and kill. get the runes.

                  also while u roam check for wards with ulti buff


                    u talkin to the legit roaming ember player boi. literally won the game for a bad team with roaming ember


                      probably build could be like

                      oov shield regen
                      shadow blade
                      power tread
                      silver if break is needed if not some item team really needs like vlads or drum or orchid/abyssal


                        treads seem dumb, go phase
                        also u go shield if u gonna harass the offlaner, but windlace is better if ur going to roam to many lanes and need to run people down.
                        ive won with roaming ursa before btw so stfu.

                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                          Sia's advice is pretty solid.

                          Personally, I would start with oov, wind lance, and a fairy leaf. It's a double-edged sword since you have no regen early game, but it can work, especially if you get fb.


                            iron talon -> jungle -> midas -> sb -> travels


                              ur SEA face seems dumb. kys

                              san ka punta?

                                Why would you make it hard for yourself?pick a roamer if you want to roam

                                Potato Marshal

                                  Did you seriously just suggest getting tranquils on the one hero that can passively heal himself to full in seconds?


                                    viper is a better roamer than slark.


                                      slark is a better roamer than viper

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