General Discussion

General Discussioncan someone analyze this game

can someone analyze this game in General Discussion
Snaarze how can i win this game this game was 2k.


      lol your team's lineup sucked so hard. i would've just tried to splitpush the entire game.


        loool mee too.


          you bought fucking dagon on nyx


            LOOL, i diiidnt!


              ups you were ta, XD don't mind me then i just woke up an hour ago and as it seems i'm still asleep, idk why i thought you were nyx.

              that being said, how the fuck do you lose to a dagon nyx as TA


                i dunno dude. I;ve lost to lc HAHAH


                  reading your guide. I hope it will work for me! thanks


                    avoid fights, split push, hit more towers, jesus. then get bkb + bloodthorne and only then try to fight.


                      I always do that.


                        Your lineup literally has no stuns, unless you count Chen using a centaur creep to stomp, but judging by his 0-12-7 score I'm guessing he either randomed or is new. Their team on the other hand has 1 hard lockdown, 2 excellent teamfight stuns and 2 heroes that can root. That's literally every single hero on their team. Not to mention you have 3 physical damage dealing semi-farm dependant heroes that all rely on stuns to kill enemies. Once LC got an AC there's nothing you can do to their 5 man. I don't even need to watch the replay. Last pick a hero that gives you the above or just rely on catching out stray heroes.

                        And yeah, just because you had the highest kills, networth, GPM and damage, do not misunderstand that you did well. Yes, its true you didnt completely noob out and feed. But I just played a game of TA where we won quite easily and I was against a zeus, slardar and slark all carrying detection and singling me out in fights. I got a KDA of 12-5-14 highest damage, GPM blah blah blah and yet I felt like I did poorly. I took fights with my team I knew we would lose, at times I didn't know where the enemy was (not for lack of wards, but my own inattentiveness) and I didn't know who to jump when the fights started. Anyway there's this thread on the forum about MMR climbing from 1k-5k MMR which is quite popular. A tip on that said that if you don't get atleast 700 GPM while playing a core against any team and any lineup (except rare cases where people walk down mid and feed) then there is something seriously wrong with your farming patterns and decision making.

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                          ^ about the teamfights yes the enemy was tooo good so i'm trying to avoid fighting or clash, i always trying to push fast becuase in this bracket dont know how to destry the enemy ancient, so im playing on my own I always mute my teammates who always blaming me becuz he dont know what I was doing,I let my teamtes to make space so i can push.

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