General Discussion

General DiscussionDropped to normal skill help!

Dropped to normal skill help! in General Discussion
Low skill

    Can I get to high skill again if i play good? I have dropped to normal skill that's kinda frustrating I know me not playing good is the reason to drop into this bracket. But any tips or help will be appreciated.

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      Well if you are really playing as a true support, the kda ratio is fairly good, i think you should gank a lot more often especially in the laning phase to improve your kill participation, im also a support player, before i calibrated @4k i only play support heroes, i dont play core heroes much, it is still possible to climb back.


        Also if your team is mid game oriented while the enemy team is late game oriented, ask your team to smoke gank and push towers and end the game as fast as possible, when your team is pushing towers dont attack towers with them but stay back and when the enemy tries to initiate, you can help your teammates..


          you are where you belong, just accept it


            We really can't help you but yourself.

            Low skill

              Thanks Abbys watcher. Dodong bot that is really true.