General Discussion

General DiscussionHalp!!!

Halp!!! in General Discussion
Raj Limbasia

    Can anyone help me? I can't seem to win my games. Please give me some tips.




        Be more like me

        Raj Limbasia

          Why do you have a similar name as mines?



            Raj Limbasia

              Why is it sad that I'm asking for help?


                It's sad that you copy me and somehow suck more than me


                  Only you can really help yourself improve.

                  Raj Limbasia

                    Not all of us can be 1k gods. I'm just a new players trying to learn the game. What are ways I can improve? Are there any good videos I should check out?


                      Lmao. Looks like Raj. Should be Raj.


                        I'm Raj cuz I play on us east
                        That's idk what


                          Why would anyone want to copy Raj. It's your failed smurf admit it


                            It's actually not which is the funny part
                            The fact that someone wants to copy me is so fucking hilarious

                            Raj Limbasia

                              I think i found the hero to master. I tried pudge and i was too good.


                                ^who TF r u?


                                  Why do you even care?

                                  el smurfador

                                    Just look over pro replays in their pubs and see what they're doing and try to copy their strategy. Also I have seen everywhere people with inflated mmrs that don't play very often and are not good as their mmr might suggest. For example, there was a 6k with only 2000 hours and he played awful like a 4k. I would guess it's similar at lower mmrs.

                                    It takes a long time to get mmr. It took me 10 months to get 1000 mmr

                                    Raj Limbasia

                                      Do you know anyone who is pro with pudge, lifestealer, natures prophet or kunkka. They seem to be the heroes I had the most success with.


                                        Because mmr is not a measurement of skill lol
                                        It's a measurement of one's ability to win games with 9 random people, which, might include, skill


                                          Your ability to win game is highly correlated with skill. Exceptions is if u get it through abuse or ddos