General Discussion

General DiscussionLate night Dota causing sleep deprivation?

Late night Dota causing sleep deprivation? in General Discussion
basement :)

    Last week, I was playing Dota around 9 pm for 3 days. Suddenly, my sleeping time dropped from 8 hours to 6. It returned to normal after I stopped playing. The same thing happened this Monday and Tuesday. I stopped playing completely on Wednesday and instantly slept for 10.5 hours and caught up all my sleep. Sleep research suggests the same negative effects from late night gaming.


      Late night [insert anything except sleep] causing sleep deprivation

      I think it was obvious already since by doing anything at late night will surely deprive your sleep time

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        playing at night right befoer you sleep, i have a theory.. its causes adrenaline and stress hormones released = poor sleep quality.


          if youre like me and get really pumped during a game. esp if u lose rofl


            ofc it does u fool anythin doiin late does that no question about dota

            basement :)

              I think it was obvious already since by doing anything at late night will surely deprive your sleep time

              I generally get off at 10 pm. The latest I went was 11 pm. I am not playing non-stop late into the night and consuming all my sleeping time.


                I agree with that. Im a living example of that, since i dont have time for dota but in the evening. Lack of good sleep then affect my whole life. Feels bad.


                  Err, I don't get it
                  If you usually sleep at 9 pm and wake up at, say, 5 am (8 hours sleep) and you are going dota instead and sleep at 10 pm and still need to wake up at 5 am, of course you will have sleep deficit

                  If you are usually slept at 10 anyway but doing other acrivities, I found out that more intense the activity is, your sleep quality will lessen. Sleep is a relaxing activity, you can't sleep well if you are excited

                  That's why you could pull an all-night dota but not all-night homework (except it was due lol) since the excitement outweight your sleepiness

                  And of course you will wake up feel like a shit the next day

                  basement :)

                    No. I get off at those times. I do not fall asleep at those times. I usually fall asleep at 12 to 1 am. I have no time I must be awake by in the mourning i.e. I can sleep for as long I want if my body allows it. I only made that post because I thought you were assuming I was staying up all night play Dota.


                      Hmm, I could not help you in that matter

                      I read somewhere that when you sleep at later (err, more late) time, it will be bad for your sleep quality. Sleep early (around 10 or 11 pm) then wake up early is better

                      Then again, I don't remember where I read it so don't take it as academically proven theorem

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