General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to ask...

How to ask... in General Discussion

    How do you ask for people t stop feeding and then have them listen to you?

    I've lost 2 in a row because people do not listen to me at all. they all think they are better...delusional to the highest degree but how do I get them to listen? They want to fight 5 man when we don't need to fight 5 man cuz we are very far ahead and had good pick off potential. They kept dying over and over to sniper till he was so farmed it wasn't winnable.

    And the 2nd game the LC would never duel dazzle and would always go anyone but him, then would get massively countered by the shallow grave. I told him to duel dazzle and they choose not to listen, then they all die 1 by 1 to a 5 man, I ask em to please get back and they still try to kill someone...Im not even sure what to do anymore, even games where I end up winning its 1-2 guys who do heir own thing... those games i should have been winning easily both.
    Nobody listens... harder games then they have to be by a huge margin.

    i have 5 reports to use

      You don't


        How do you convince a Christian that Jews got it right?

        How do you convince a racist guy to accept affirmative action?

        How do you convince conservatives that gay marriage is ok?

        How do you convince a meth addict that drugs are bad?

        How do you tell a homeless to stop being homeless?

        How do you tell a fat guy to go lose weight?

        How do you tell dota players to stop being bad?

        You don't/can't.

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          Well crap.

          Smize with your eyes

            Ahahhahahahahahah. You just try to say once then try to win the game and report ! The last comment was so cool ahahahahahah

            Riguma Borusu

              always try it

              if you don't try it, the chances of success are 0%

              I have had games where I'd go feed but a teammate would say something like "man please can you stop feeding I know >that other teammate< is retarded but can you at least be sensible" and I'd stop feeding.

              Not saying you have chances of success above 1%, but try it at least, that does not hurt.


                Focus on your own game. There is nth u can do about others, u will just only play worse if u focus on them. I lost so many ez games when I was beyond godlike because I tried to communicate with suiciding noobs. Just let them suicide. You will win more games by letting them than trying to communicate with them.


                  Stentorian doesnt seem like a bright guy

                  ME AND THE SUBHUMAN APES

                    Do it indirectly. Instead of saying "LC you fucking monkey are you done going in like a fucking idiot and not duelling Dazzle you fucking Minecraft player?" tell him "LC you need to duel Dazzle first, he's your main counter and as you can see you're getting no duels 'cause he keeps saving teammates and we're getting team-wiped every time. Let's smoke-gank them, focus Dazzle, you'll get duels and then we can push". Basically explain even the dumbest shit that even my 3 y-o nephew would understand, 'cause apparently they don't get it. And if you're support tell them you'll get vision and will help them to keep your retards happy and make them feel, well, supported. If you say things like this but they still don't give a fuck then feel free to ddos them.


                      Excellent evaluation BSJ in Training. Now use your skills to flip that burger at Burger King.

                      yung griphook

                        >Relax, you're doing fine!

                        then just say to them "want me to come help your lane?" or "hey we need to focus in now guys, lets keep waves shoved until rosh is up" or something. Flaming someone never makes someone play better, so don't do it.

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          Sorry at stentorian, second thread I’ve seen you post in and you seem like you have a very young mind.

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            Lead by example.
                            Talk simple.

                            chicken spook,,,,

                              Being overly nice will only make communicating more time and energy consuming which should've went to your gameplay instead
                              "Hey guys let's just starve them by shoving waves and farm until rosh is up" would do just the same as "shove waves, wait for rs"


                                Yup will try to communicate instead of telling people they suck. Might work better.

                                ME AND THE SUBHUMAN APES

                                  ^^ It will make it more consuming, but the problem with these players is, they're just overall bad, they do the same basic mistakes over and over and they will keep doing them until someone explains what not to do and WHY. It's better to spend 1 minute writing an essay about why LC should duel Dazzle and be sure the player got it, than giving orders in morse code (rs, b, g tp with cm) 'cause the reason why they don't do what you say is because they don't know why you're saying it and they think they're doing the right thing.


                                    The only way you'd convince me to stop feeding is asking me to stop while flaming the fuck out of the guy that I'm flaming and feeding while I do it.