General Discussion

General Discussiondid we get lucky this game/play well or did our carry pick correctly?

did we get lucky this game/play well or did our carry pick correctly? in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    lol @ dotabuff saying every lane drew I feel every lane lost, except maybe for mid lane.

    Our hard carry last picked riki. I personally did not care, I know a really strong riki player and I know he can be played as a hard carry. But some people started flaming him.

    Was a hard game for me to find ganks in so I played passively in the beginning. Rhasta played greedy so I bought a lot of wards early. I played poorly though I could have farmed a bit more after soul ring and level 6

    Riki started roaming really early, before diffusal, he wasnt farming...but looking at this dotabuff page he had almost a perfect game. Maybe I do not understand what he was doing because I am a lower MMR player. Or maybe we just got lucky, I am not sure. Abba definitely carried a bit but I feel riki played perfectly.

    So my question, was this just luck or was riki actually a strong pick? or did it just come down to everyone picking heroes they were good at and playing well?


      Looks like a combination of you being carried by Invoker who beat the morph king comprehensively, and the void and morph picks being terrible against your line up.

      Voids built was atrocious. I really don’t understand this shit since people started playing him pos 1 again. If you are going to play him pos 1 with mask of madness then you need to go the previous pos 1 build - MoM into maelstrom, then BkB if you need it, then Daedalus and then butterfly.

      Not this retarded manta diffusal build. That’s a build for the offlane utility void. Dumbasses seem to think that because juggernauts often go MoM diffusal manta that the build is good for a pos 1 void, they always seem to forget that juggernaut a) has a 600 damage magic nuke spell b) an inbuilt crit and 1.4 base attack time c) a 2000ish damage nuke spell. Void has nothing more than a 5 second aoe stun With a 25% chance to proc an extra 100 damage. If you’re going to give him farm priority then build 1 defensive item so he can’t be silenced/stun locked and then double down on the damage and attack speed.

      There was also a lot of dire fucking up. All the farm went on the cores while their supports were paying the invis sentry tax while your shaman playing a pos 4 meant that he was more farmed than both the enemy suppprts so had force staff and aghs half way through the game while venge had nothing but treads for most of it so was a non factor.

      Void was a terrible pick because he has no early game burst while dire trilaned with venge and aa against abandon. Instead of just killing/bursting him down over and over he did nothing so abaddon didn’t die, got exp and eventually got farm. A PA or PL would have been way better since they bring actual early game burst damage and slow.

      The offlane Weaver was trash, no points in the swarm until like level 9 so no way to easily kill shadow shaman if he was left solo in the lane against weaver.

      The only hero that morphling was realistically going to be able to blow up was shadow shaman since everyone else was either too tanky or had an escape mechanism so he was a non factor. AA and venge were super underfarmed due to the fear factor of a roaming Pudge and Riki so the skirmishes which you won around the 20 minute mark made them scared to farm alone so you probably basically won by that point. Honestly probably would have won even if it went late game since their pos 1 void built like an pos 3 offlaner while your pos 3 abaddon built like a pos 1 carry.

      chicken spook,,,,

        riki is cool


          I think noting wrong with manta diffusal. But Mom diffusal is just better


            ur so braindead it hurts
            dont give advice if u have no idea what ur talking abt

            n0t a bigg1e

              the problem is that riki is annoying i hate to play against him and his smoke sucks so in this game riki was perfect against aa weawer void and everyone i think you probably won because of that pick and because the other player didnt know how to counter you thats all


                Washed up

                If you actually think that. a pos 1 void should go manta and diffusal can you please queue against me and pick void pos 1 and go that build every game because I would love to have a guaranteed win every game. Thanks bruh.

                chicken spook,,,,

                  I actually bothered reading some of muranji's crap
                  I think I have brain tumor now


                    riki didnt matter
                    abaddon and invoker carried you


                      Always a pleasure reading murranji analysis


                        something something mom manta diffusal bad on void something something :thinking:


                          @OP That morph was terribly dogshit and the Void also, so it was a mixture of the enemy players not knowing their heroes and a bit of luck. You ought to get Spirit Vessel btw against a Morphling, it's a good item ;)


                            abaddon and invoker carried you



                              No, Riki is always a sh8t pick.



                                Notice the difference from Pos 1 void to Pos 3 void. Meanwhile if I look at your void games 9/10 you aren't doing the highest hero damage. So yeah.


                                  pos 3 voids would tend to go something like vlads aghs blink/sb.
                                  pos 1 voids go manta diffusal because that is typical carry item.


                                    I didn't even say to go manta diffusal every match, what I did say is ur retarded mu🅱anji.
                                    Usually u go mom sb, or mom diffusal. Maelstrom is completely unneeded. Daedalus is trash af, u can get bloodthorn if u need the silence, but void has no use for crits. Bkb isn't core, it's something u buy if u need it, and u don't always need it. Mkb is one of ur strongest dps items.


                                      Why do Legend players give advice over item builds? Especially when it's the complete opposite of Divine players' item builds?

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