General Discussion

General DiscussionMost game changing spell

Most game changing spell in General Discussion

    Spell that, if you execute it nicely it will make you win the game or comeback from losing. But if executed poorly will make you lose the game or make the enemy capable of comeback.

    I think its either song of siren or winter curse. What are the others

    Stone Cold Steve Austin

      Blackhole, reverse polarity.
      Though they don't have the "game losing" side, so nevermind.

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          Meteor hammer kappa.

          Already mentioned. Black hole, or RP. RP being more reliable

          Pale Mannie

            flaming lasso. either you grip both cores with aghs and shred them apart or you die before you could kidnap them. i've won and lost some games like this already



              Friendly player

                Chronosphere, surprised no one said that.



                  69 god

                    Sanity's eclipse, echo slam if executed correctly :)

                    Cancer Malaria

                      Rubick - spell steal


                        You could easily argue any of the big teamfight ults, like ravage, RP, black hole, etc


                          Um... Well the most Game Winning AND Game Losing spell I would have to say is Nether Swap. You can Nether Swap and grab a tasty core to start the fight OR you can nether swap a f'in Enigma into your 4 holed together team and kill everyone.


                            Techies Remote mines


                              toss, x marks the spot, relocate

                              Chao Vritra

                                black hole hands down has to be the most game changing ultimate. I suppose you could apply the same logic to other massive AOE disables but black hole seems to be the strongest. Man I need to start playing enigma...anyone ever offlane with him? Is jungle still viable on a 4 support?


                                  Magnus bf build

                                  Bill Cutting

                                    Chrono and song of the siren for me...

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      cold embrace, disruption, astral imprisonment, snowball

                                      no incoming chat

                                        For sure Meat Hook.


                                          People are flaming me for bad Chronospheres

                                          Fee Too Pee


                                            Its a really good initiation spell with little risk

                                            But at the same thing it can screw up your teammate combo real quick


                                              For the game winner and game losing one prob chronosphere, banish spells (sd disruption, od)

                                              For the pure game changer would be the big teamfight ults e.g. ravage, blackhole, RP, ET ult, also if there id enough followup then vacuum


                                                given this criteria

                                                if you execute it nicely it will make you win the game or comeback from losing.

                                                But if executed poorly will make you lose the game or make the enemy capable of comeback.


                                                low prio master

                                                  I lost/won hundreds of games by bad/genius relocate - sometimes bad-genius move is very close to each other.I did kill my carry by relocating many times in these hundreds of games but also win games.I think relocate is most "responsible" spell in the game.

                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                    Chronosphere and song of the siren are probably the ones that can cost your team the game the most


                                                      Shadow demon 7 second disruption lmao. Banish your core until fight ends


                                                        any invo spell


                                                          Chronosphere by a large margin; way easier to mess up, and even more impactful than Song of Siren.


                                                            Chronosphere and Snowball. Seriously, tusk's snowball can be deadly for both sides.

                                                            ur parents r siblings

                                                              Kot'sl recall, chen spell to send some1 home, winter wyvern heal and curse


                                                                Member this? I member


                                                                  Chrono is the biggest offender imo


                                                                    If I had a dime for every time someone tornadoed two or three heroes that were called and eating Axe spins.



                                                                        이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                                                        Putsy McCoy

                                                                          Wall of Replica can be so underwhelming of you overestimated your opponent’s farm. Or too early in the midgame. Younand the weak ass illusions will just be stuck between all the enemy heroes

                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                            glyph 😎

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                                                                            dont be thrilled by this ...

                                                                              chrono is a double edge spell ..... cast well, a fat void can wipe enemy, beside his team is helping tho ...
                                                                              cast bad and youre done: let me example ... i was playing void the other day, there was sf with aghs and bkb and blink, he jumped on us, activated bkb and was casting ult, as there was no cancelling spell that pierces bkb among us, i panicked and cast chrono but i was late for 0.00001 sec and requiem was alrdy on way, i trapped 4 of my mates and we got hit by 1.5X requiem and ez rampge for sf :D anyway we managed to win the game ...


                                                                                Relocate, very game changing when u can save an ally, game changing too if you use it to teleport your core into the enemy fountain ;). An example of a double-edged spell


                                                                                  Guardian Angel - Teamfight turnaround
                                                                                  Global silence - hardest spell to execute correctly IMO
                                                                                  Disruption/Shallowgrave/false promise - Turns a lost fight into a won fight

                                                                                  Song of the siren - Hands down, the strongest spell in the game in the correct environment (sleep heros and take a rax, nullify enemy initations)


                                                                                    i'd put winters curse on top because it has alot of utility.

                                                                                    simply cancel a tp
                                                                                    save yourself
                                                                                    save a teammate
                                                                                    setup a fight
                                                                                    reset a fight
                                                                                    turn a fight
                                                                                    fight a fight
                                                                                    fight a turn
                                                                                    turnup a set
                                                                                    wait what

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                                                                                      play enigma as offlaner
                                                                                      jungling 2017 4Head

                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!