General Discussion

General DiscussionThe 10 Calibration games are literally normal ranked game in the new ...

The 10 Calibration games are literally normal ranked game in the new System in General Discussion

    I understand that this has been chewed up and spit out a few hundred times by now but I just realized that the new calibration matches already had my mmr set in stone(from what is was before) and just made me play 10 ranked games to show me the number I already had

    3742 was the mmr before this calibration
    3846 is the mmr after calibration
    gained mmr = 104
    I won 7 games and lost 3 ~ 100 mmr points

    Did they write anywhere what the reason for the mmr medals is?


      the point is that if someone is somethin like herald 5 and the other person is guardian 0 but their true mmr only differs by 3 points the guardian player can say "im a whole medal above you, i get to solo mid not you" and "if a higher medal player tells you to do something u do it"

      thats the point


        this is hilarious

        I can't remember if this attitude made me spam support but I think it might have been a factor


          old news


            100% i can agree with my experience


              I thought so as well, but it seems that callibration has higher weighting than just +/- 25mmr like most games.

              Won all 10 callibration on my 2862 account and went to 3435 (instead of being roughly 250 mmr higher im about 600mmr higher).

              Purposely lost 10 callibration games on a 3471 account and ended at 2928, still trying to figure out how it works exactly but I think the 10 callibration have higher weightings than normal.

              Also my main account is exactly where it was before callibration with roughly 25 mmr per game.

              Friend went from 4.5k to 4.6k with 6 wins 4 losses - so nothing really changed there.

              Maybe it's more likely to catch out accounts that don't belong in certain brackets and move them - like smurfs or people who have boosted accounts.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                How so? I was 4.2k before recalibration and 3.8k after re-calibration. I won 7 games and lost only 3?


                  the plot thickens and the christmass diner might not have something to do with it

                  do you have a smurf that you played before calibration maybe?


                    Pretty sure low mmr just mapped to the old mmr but hs/vhs was truncated and then calibration was more important


                      im pretty sure that if a 1k mmr player was to play on a divine 5 account, he would calibrate less than divine 4, so it kinda works.


                        I heard it's not about Win-Loss, it's about performance in game. Your performance with that hero, matched up with the global averages for that hero, your personal averages, measured against enemy carry's. That kind of thing. Ofc, nothing is confirmed.
                        I'm pretty sure the new 6 month system is to catch out account buyers/smurfs like Road to Herald said. They've been targeting it with their recent matchmaking updates, such as requiring a phone number to play ranked, and adjusting their system to detect and ban toxic players, under the scope of which are account sellers and buyers.

                        Udder Certainty


                          see last 10 games

                          just an allocation of medal verifying you are in the mmr range you are currently at. Tried on my 1 mmr account and played decently well but still allocated me herald 1 haha


                            I think the medal system introduced by the V*lve are not capable to cope the whole dota 2. How to decide a player skill into which category and that we dont know about it. Not to say about account buyer, we exclude it for now. The problem is we fully unaware on how the segregation on each medals by V*lve. i would be happy to know the method and on what basis the V*lve dota 2 team to appraising the players. Until today, i think we are kept in the dark.
                            Also, My previous mmr is 3.2k solo and after recalibration it drops to 2.6k due to all problem that we encounter during the games like:
                            - teammate discconnected
                            -teammate feeding in early game
                            - 2 mid lane players ( XD)
                            -acc buyer players
                            -newcomers (noobs play carry)
                            All the games i have and will have in future the teammate mentioned above daily.
                            So im pissed off and i think all this is the problems we face in most of our games.

                            1 more thing is why V*lve have to change the top players mmr points (10k mmr) to 7k mmr now. its so unfair to those players whom have 8k mmr and above. the players have been play hard on on every games to reach that mmr points. Why should V*lve rewrite the mmr points on those players. i suggest the V*lve dota 2 team should reorganise their new medal system arcording to the players present mmr points and to restructure them.

                            Just my 2 cent.


                              Op is just stupid and needs attention

                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!