General Discussion

General DiscussionShould i create a new account or try to boost mine ?

Should i create a new account or try to boost mine ? in General Discussion

    Hey guys i was playing dota 1 a long time ago and started playing dota 2 from a year ago. This is my first account i have played the first game on it. I calibrated at 2k mmr and got mad about it so i started training myself to improve in normal matches. But now i think im much better than this bracket i know a lot of stuff and have good mechanics that 4ks have. Plus i played mid 1v1 against my friend who is 4k and i beat him so many times. The question is should i create a new account and calibrate higher or should i boost this one (its so hard to boost this one my teammates take bad decisions and stuff)
    Sorry for my bad english




        Yes that i should create a new one ?


          'friendly player' pls give him some tips :D


            Grind your account.

            The other team is just as likely to have bad players. If you're better than your bracket, you'll win more than you lose. MMR reflects your ability to win pubs with random people. If you're a 4k player, you should be able to win a lot of pubs with 2k players. You won't win them all, but you'll win more than you lose.

            It might take you a long time to grind up MMR. Even with a 70% winrate it would take 100 games to gain 1k mmr. But don't think of that as wasted time. Sometimes you win; sometimes you learn.

            Full disclosure: as you can see from my profile, I'm a garbo 2k scrub, but what I'm saying has nothing to do with my own skill level and everything to do with math and attitude. I try to steadily improve and my winrate shows that.

            I've had some tough losses lately and I feel your pain, but I try to tell myself that if I see someone with the same MMR as mine playing badly, that means one of two things:
            1) If I'm better, I'll win more and I'll climb above them.
            2) If I'm not winning more than them, then clearly I deserve the same MMR, and I need to improve in some way I haven't figured out.

            Good luck and have fun!


              As soon as I was able to, I calibrated my ranked and ended up like 1.7k. From then on I never really played ranked, just unranked. I got a lot better at the game and with the new medal system, I started playing ranked again, and it feels really satisfying to grind up and rise. You shouldn't say that your team is stupid, it won't help you at all.

              Think of it this way, if your team is stupid that means 4 stupid players right? Your team is from the same player pool as the enemy meaning they have 5 stupid players. You can't win every game but logically speaking if you are better you WILL climb. Attitude is everything, don't get cocky and try not to flame. Everyone is trying to win and encouraging your team will give you a much better shot at winning then tilting them/flaming. I calibrated guardian 5 when ranked came out and I considered creating an alt, but I can say I am soo glad I chose to grind this one instead, the feeling of accomplishment is truly incredible. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you choose to climb on your main. :)

              Laura es mi waifu :))))

                I went from 2.5k to 4.3k on friend's account

                Manhattan Cafe

                  In the end if u think that u're 4k then winning is easier for u.

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    cookie butter choco cookie


                      As long as your id didnt reach 3,5k yet or still far from 3,5k you can create another account since the max calibration is 3,5k.

                      If you think you are 4k try build another account and see the result.


                        Dude grind your way up. I don't know how you came to that assumption of your secret mmr(if you play normals in very high skill im more inclined to believe), I grinded my way from 2.6k to 4k one game at a time. I hit plateaus and was forced to acknowledge what I am doing wrong along the way and I am still forced to do that if I ever want to reach divine. Also if you have a negative WR on most played heroes its probably your lack of skill on them. When I party and play with crusaders and anchors it is easy to win 8 out 10 like Scalene said, but just my two cents, you do you.


                          Thank you guys i chose to grind my way up and boost mine ! Appreciate it thanks for help.

                          Manhattan Cafe

                            finally you found da wey


                              please stop misusing the word boost you sound retarded




                                  1) It's not called boosting, it's called grinding. 2) if you want to find out what the best option is, add me:


                                    Just play on your old account and dont play support if you want to go up. Playing support with noob team is very frustating like making you quit dota.

                                    I recommend you to enjoy the game. ,play party with friends because MMR doesnt matter,Medals doesnt matter. Enjoying the game is all that matter.

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!