General Discussion

General Discussionwhen does order of initiation start to matter?

when does order of initiation start to matter? in General Discussion

    meaning spell usage order, like hero 1 initiates with x spell and then opponent 1 counter initiates with y spell, etc etc.

    or does it never matter because dota is too dynamic?

    im just thinking how some games seem to be lost because the wrong hero is always going in with the wrong spell first and then cannot use it mid fight which is big. got me to think if this is something higher skilled players are constantly on the lookout for?

    Story Time

      no way :D how is that even important, isnt dota just pressing buttoms... or is it imagining all possible interactions within the teamfight and selecting the dominant strategy of focus and spell/item casting before the fight and then adjusting your "roadmap" accordingly?


        Interesting question.

        I have a theory:

        For teams like OG, team fights usually start with Johan D E L E T E D tactical feed and then 4v5 Yerax counter-initiation into a Pogchamp S4head ult with peak Resolution diving deep to mop up.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          depends on the game. sometimes you want to hold onto your spells because the threat of the spell is more impactful than the spell itself.

          casual gamer

            if u use swap before black hole when you are the enigma counter you will literally lose your team the game in high avg

            chicken spook,,,,

              I'm with sam

              ROAD TO HERALD 0

                sometimes you want to hold onto your spells because the threat of the spell is more impactful than the spell itself.

                Speaking of enigma counters, wouldn't it be sad/funny/terrible if neither blackhole nor global silence got used in a team fight because both silencer and enigma players on opposing teams obstinately insist on holding on in order to bypass their counterpart's ultimate?

                What then is the tactical implication of such brinksmanship?

                Yung Beethoven

                  well obviously as a Carry you always want to wait for the enemy to use their spells so they cannot disable you, which is why sometimes, when i play carry, i let the fight unfold a bit before i go in an drop my nuke.

                  Best example that i have in mind is when i played against an MK and he just used his 1st skill to clear a wave. thats 1 Disable less, has a long cd -> go in. The easiest example is against WK. You know he has used ult -> force a fight

                  Story Time

                    ^that is why initiator has to be some one else and not pos1, but how to explain it during the picking phase...

                    Yung Beethoven

                      im not talking about initiation, im talking about waiting for the enemy to commit into the fight by using their disables so you can truely shine as a carry

                      Story Time

                        define initiation then, or i dont understand


                          im not exactly talking about just initiation. it's every spell /action order (assuming we break down every teamfight into a turn based kind of game).

                          so obviously some bigger spells you can only use once, it's easier to say i'll just hold it, or i'll wait for some spells to be used before going in.

                          but im also talking about entire scenarios of fights playing out in certain ways (for those longer and messier fights). do people actually start thinking about the order of shit? i see that in pro games people are very quick to exit a fight if a bad initiation happens, when it may not be so obvious that it would turn out so. usually im always amazed at how at the end of a series of spells used, only 1 support on each side dies and nothing happens.

                          so i guess in really high mmr it really matters. but at which level in lower bracket does it start to matter? or am i over thinking this


                            I read some troll post a long time ago which stated that CM is one of the best tank heroes because a tank's job is to draw the enemy aggro away from your damage dealers. CM achieves this by having abilities that dictate the flow of team fights and by being squishy enough that the enemy thinks it is a good idea to initiate on CM.

                            Also, no relation to your thread

                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              ^ Drawing agro = dying to 1 Meld or simply dying to Flak Cannon. Tank lul

                              ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                There must be some truth/value to drawing enemy aggro/spells otherwise tactical feeding wouldn't even be a thing, no?

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                Story Time

                                  get aeon on CM each lmao, dota goes full retard

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    inb4 blademail cm


                                      It really depends on the usefulness of your hero. For example. If we ran a stunless team I Have Pheonix and the enemy countered by going enigma then my Egg needs to be used Early to mid during the fight so if he blackholes Egg Stun cancels(hoping to prevent it with proper timing)If your a CK vs Medusa you need to wait till Medusa Ults. Ideally your mates will make her ult. if they don't you may have to go on her and act like your going for her. When she ults BKB and run the other way then re-engage. If your playing Sven and They have a lot of kitnig heroes Wait till the end when they group up OR if you have mates who are good at locking shit down solo like Slark, NS, NP then go in swinging when they spread out like flies trying to take you down your mates pick em off. if you are losing a fight try to find out why. Sometimes huge AOE heroes are jus going in at the wrong time. Pheonix, Magnus, SF, Enigma, Silencer, Luna etc..

                                      casual gamer

                                        It doesnt matter what lvl u are at. If you can play your hero almost on autopilot in fight and really THINK about who is showing and who not, what spells they are about to cast and on who it will matter for u in ur game

                                        It is actually imo easier in low lvl game. Ppl run in and just cast spell asap or on low hp target instead of being smart or playing safe

                                        It’s not even always only about order of spell. If u team cast chrono/roar early and 0 enemy die u have probably lost the fight so either fight in a manner so u can disengage (pub strats lul) or gtfo

                                        In my favorite void patch it was so fucking easy, I could just walk into fights and hold chrono forever, and purge 99999 spells with diffu manta. Then any half decent chrono was 2 kills kreygasm


                                          The order you cast your spells in fights is very important, after all it's basically 95% of the skill in the video game.

                                          not arin

                                            if u play initiatiors and your core has to do your job while eating 3 ultimates from enemy team then uninstall dota please

                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!