General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with broodmother in lane?

How to deal with broodmother in lane? in General Discussion

    That hero is so bullshit. Tower dive at lvl 5,insane health regen and ms,army of her children to attack you and top of it she can just hide in trees


      Timber, Axe, Dragon Knight, SK etc. If you're playing mid tell your support to rotate and harass her before she gets lvl 2. She is utility trash versus those heroes that I mentioned above and versus any long lockdown hero like pudge or void.


        You either pick something that can lane against her or you just accept the fact that you're getting raped in the lane.

        not arin

          if you have garbage heroes for 1v1ing then probably trilane her
          if you screw up even that, you lose

          SASA POPOVIC

            Sven + support Lina = no spiders allowed

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              you can't. the hero's purpose is to win the lane. just don't feed her too much and try to get your own farm.

              муки с рылом

                Get DK in a solo lane against her. She can’t possibly kill him, neither can he, but 100 lasthits at 10 min for DK guaranteed


                  bristle mid = ez brood


                    Sven + Lina still gets raped by a good brood, she will just keep killing Lina the paper no armor hero over and over


                      yeah just give up, don't listen to any idiot who think cleave or luna glaive can deal with spider. No right click can deal with it early game. Usually u need offlaner to go agianst him, like sk, tide, bb, timber, axe, otherwise just give up HAHA

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