General Discussion

General DiscussionHow it's possible ?

How it's possible ? in General Discussion

    First, they blaming me
    Second, they blaming huskar
    Third, Tinker blame gyro, gyro blame tinker...

    when i said max 1+2 gyro ez game, he said stfu...when i looking at tinker...max 3 tinker instead max 1+2 roaming, smoke, tp ....the one thing is they're low dota level player...some under 150hours and some under 500hours ... i dont know why dota ranked not picking up high level player to team-up with each other...if same or high lvl player is not available so it can queue with low lvl player ...


      Just retarded bracket only thing u can do is get higher mmr, but 4ks are even worse so idk man ... tryhard until mid 5k.

      NUB GonNA NUUB

        nope, i still remember one game, my team is owned game and already win if keep pushing but one guy ancient lvl 5 started crying, sell all item, then afk -> ez lose

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