General Discussion

General Discussionhow to PMA?

how to PMA? in General Discussion
i follow Jesus.

    every single one of my last games has a ruiner. all of them. i'm not kidding look at it yourself.
    i'd much rather be a crusader than a legend player because i can barely win 50% when every single person in the team is braindead.

    i feel like a good example is my last game with a real team where i went 17-0 (i had a whats the name of that thing? support? idk i forgot) and all games after that went to shit. i managed to win some but it's destroying me dealing with this shit.

    dota_chat_mute_everyone 1


      i think you're the issue


        u got superbad kda at least in last 5 games, and u blaming some1 for losing ur games, look at the game im which u played as drow. U got 0/10 at the end xd


          just always think about "a 6k booster or a miracle would be able to solo carry my game,i need to improve" is good enough for a reason for keeping positive and understand you're always at the fault if losing,no need to see your team


            I stopped losing games when I remembered that the majority of my losses are because I got tilted and griefed for no reason.

            i follow Jesus.

              ^yea i always try to be positive it's just that people choose to ruin the games ;-; i never just buy wards ward the jungle, walk down mid or that shit they do fucking monkey mindset


                i've played some normal AP in around gurdian-crusader and i got to say they are the braindead ones and i wined the games that my team didn't abandon so not saying their unwinnable
                so how about stop picking carry when ure team needs sups?

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  try these 3 easy steps. Step 1: only queue ranked when you aren't mad for any reason. Step 2: try bringing the pma to the game by complimenting team on good moves, giving constructive criticism in a calm tone if they mess up and always reassure them that it's fine. Step 3: mute anyone who doesnt respond positively to you when you bring the pma (example, invoker dies mid and threatens to break items:"hey, I know your lane isn't doing too well, but I'm doing fine in my lane, maybe I can gank mid for you." Or "don't worry about it, it's a bad lane matchup for you" even if it's not.) most of the time it's someone who's just having a bad day, so even just 1 ping is sufficient for them to want to abandon. Buy a ward for your support if he's tilting at another player and tell him to just mute them and keep going. The only time you should be toxic over the chat is if you're trying to tilt the enemy mid.


                    this PMA bullshit is driving me up the wall tbh
                    those retards who promote, trying to make science out of in game interactions that are being spread by people who have shitty lives and promoted because our society likes to see people anoyed, should really put their time and effort into something that could be usefull for themself and/or others

                    here is an advice if you are raging over a game: turn of your computer
                    works 100% of the time, proven by NASA
                    if you are addicted to games, try games that don't make you rage
                    if every game makes you rage, you are a masochist

                    do you have any other non-complicated questions you are trying to complicate for yourself?


                      stop being a bitch = pma


                        @dude ye,but everyone is bad on this game. they probably just dunno wat to do,basically not a ruiner
                        on your 17-0,where you should be snowballing alot and won the game in like 20-30 mins but that didn't happen
                        i dunno wat happened on your game,but most of us made alot of mistakes and dun do everything efficiently

                        can't blame the support playas while for example,i still missed a lasthit versus creep as a core
                        (or didn't stack a camp when able to because i was too retarded to see the time while hitting jungle creeps,or i didn't watch the minimap,not knowing enemy locations and thought "oh this guy is alone" dived and i die, or didn't mastered creep aggro yet,and i failed to deny every single one of my creep)

                        by underestimating yourself,you can be positive and will always try to improve
                        since looking at your teammates is useless,and your enemies will have the same kind of monkey braindead people too,which maybe 1-3 of them are human like you

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          "a 6k booster or a miracle would be able to solo carry my game,i need to improve"


                          "would miracle die to this gank like i did?"
                          "would arteezy miss this kill?"
                          those are questions you need to be asking yourself


                            too much arteezy influence in your life


                              Pick a better nickname such as "Healthy Penis" make sure ur nickname is sounds less offensive to anyone...


                                Hypnotize yourself..
                                I AM PMA PLAYER, DON'T F*CK WITH ME RUINERS AND TOXIC PLAYERS.

                                me, government hooker

                                  pma btw haHAA


                                    The problem is always "me" or in ur case, you.
                                    "How is this my problem that the support didnt ward mid and i got killed? How is it my fault that im 17 0 and my team is 0 10? And so on. If u wanna just bitch about it sure im not gonna even bother arguing. If u ACTUALLY wanna know how this mindset of " everything is my fault" fixes it all, dont just watch this. Fuckin consume it and think about it in ur own life:


                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!