General Discussion

General DiscussionI cant seem to win a bloody match

I cant seem to win a bloody match in General Discussion

    i have a negative winrate. I cant seem to win a match. It doesnt matter if i take a break from dota, I still matched with players who go core to feed. They say 'trust me my main acc is 6k' then feed 16 times to an already fed enemy core. I do understand i feed myself aswell ( when i try new heroes, Im new to this game ) but when i play well my other carry feeds like mother teresa wants to feed the poor. You might say 'git gud' and all the crap but honestly, my other carry finds the best way to fuck up. Ive heard its not your teammates, its you, but honestly its not true. Unless youre way above your bracket, you cant solo carry. Im an average player who invest a reasonable time into the game as i have a life. When im in a good lead in the early game, my other carry plans not to push and focus for a kill, dives and dies. Followed by " ward". I dont flame my supports, they tend to be good and nice players. I just hate those players that demands wards when there already is one. Honestly, how does an average player win in this scenario.

    Average players will have an ish 52 and above wr. Yet i keep losing as one player seems to feed and doesnt know when to take advantage of a lead that my team is having. I can be bad at times when i go pick heroes im unfamiliar with, but when i play well with heroes im comfortable with i lose. How do people in pubs have so much faith in players ( especially supports who lets others carry ).

    We get good drafts, we still lose. What the hell I dont have all the reports in the world.

    Again you might say its me and im the cause bla bla, do you really think I can win in these scenarios.

    Here are a few matches where I had comfortable leads yet an idiot core player ( not always me ) feeds ( i was playing pos 4 btw ) ( i won but we had an idiot slark and drow )

    Fucking send help.


      Git gud my friend


        But othet than that dont get too serious,dont rage,play for fun,learn basic ideas and apply them.just look at my last 3 games,i was forced to play offlane a role which i rarely play.i got killed 7 times in lane cause my team was passive but we still won,take it easy

        Pointy Shoes

          After 4000 games I think good supports have more impact on the game than cores (generally speaking). Supports enable cores to get farm and kills. My observation is that if a team has 2 hard supports they tend to win about 80-90% of the time if the opponent only has one support. A bit anecdotal but yeah... It makes sense as an optimization problem as well: farm is not divided between 4 cores (3 instead).


            I start matches with a cool head. We get early game advantage then we dominate the Laning stage. It's really had to play when a teammate feeds and enemy says 'ez' or spams sad when he wins. Mute them doesn't stop help me win games. Even when I mute teammates you can't help a 60 iq player who won't take advantage of a lead. So yes I don't naturally tilt. I'm just frustrated as hell. My self esteem is falling apart everytime I see my wr


              There's only so much a support can do in the late game. Cores kill supports for a snack in the late game. I can't end games faster due to another slow farming core.

              Lruce Bee

                neither can i


                  Stop complaining like a dumb bitch, and carry ur games
                  If u get better u will win it's pretty fucking simple

                  Dotes and Depression

                    I suggest playing less heroes, you only have a few matches and all off them are with a different hero. Spam a specific hero to master it and you'll start winning more easily. Blaming others isn't the way.


                      Cool thanks


                        Dont worry. Your MMR will go up and down, I lost like 16 games in a row no matter if I fed or if I did great.

                        Fast forward to my last 6 games, As long as I wasn't running down mid feeding it seems like I would win regardless of my play.

                        Happens I guess

                        flourishing new leaf

                          Git Gut


                            maybe dota is just not the game for you.

                            Retnuh Flim

                              If you really invest dota as much as your life, plan well

                              Watch BSJ videos it will automatically increase your mmr by learning the basics

                              True some games can't be won but when it comes to ALL your games you have the biggest influence. Every game I have tons of mistakes, I focus on MINE alone. Take it from an Archon 3 that climb to a Legend 1 now


                                Take a break. When you come back make sure your mindset is refreshed. Usually works for me.


                                  Ok i can totally answer this

                                  Have u heard of einstein quote:
                                  "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result"

                                  I wanna ask u how many times have u changed ur strategy? How much have u learned in the last month? Season? Year? What are ur sources of learning dota? How much time do u have to spend getting good at dota? Do u wanna play competitively or casually?
                                  How many times have u asked urself what did i do wrong then go to youtube and search about getting better at dota. How many coaching sessions availabe on utube have u watched. How many concepts have u learned? Do u know what lane equilibrium is? What dead lane is? What good farm and bad farm is? The deep concept of macro? Have u spammed a hero to know all sorts of matchups and how u should play vs each hero?

                                  If the answer to majority of these is a negative or "not that much" answer, there u go. Now u have somewhere to start getting good at

                                  Semeone just killed you fool

                                    Learn clinks bro, you can win easily with this hero in your bracket without help by your team.

                                    Anonymous mode- No chat

                                      play some OP phantom cancer and slark. Low level games need no support if your enemies also have no support anyway.


                                        Stop keeping it halal. That's my tip


                                          Keep it haram


                                            Thanks guys I actually started winning matches again lol.


                                              I have to keep it halal or else I'm become cancerous


                                                halal is some backward retardation, thats why you cant seem to win games.


                                                  Dont play when you are tilted, you will end up losing more games than you should

                                                  Lruce Bee

                                                    Bless you