General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying ranked at the moment is broken

Playing ranked at the moment is broken in General Discussion

    Short story, I was legend 4 (3.8k solo) a week ago and it was my highest for three years playing dota. So close to reach ancient and considering I was calibrated first time as 1k back then, I could say I was so excited to calibrate on this new season and break the 4k trench (3k MMR jump after all those time spent playing, would not be too shabby).

    Unfortunately everything went totally backfired. I got bad records at the latest calib, went 3-7 and archon 4 is my new medal (3.2k). Regretting to calibrate so soon and not waiting the ranked games environment become more stable. Well I felt disappointed but Im sure I will grinding back again to legend soon. Its still 3k anyway, only the new MMR system makes it become archon so I guess the players still have good mechanicals and pretty much know what they are doing.

    But its not. Some players with archon medals I had as teammates not even reflecting 3k players, more like archon players from the season before (the 2k ones). I dont know whats wrong with the system. I wont complain about the 'my teammates holding me back' but I just feel some games really unwinnable at the moment.

    The environment is so bad, common day at SEA is already bad but its much worst. Im 90% in progress to reach archon 5, so I gave a try today but three of my 5 games went so horrible.

    There is ths guy who picking MK 4th when we had lifestealer already at the safelane. But he insisted to go safelane instead and tell lifestealer to go offlane. The lifestealer adjusted only for getting this MK fed 0-9 to the enemy team. He died 1v1 against nyx at the laning phase like wtf? He even flamed me fail mid no gank to making excuse when he died 1v1.

    Our first three picks are core already and of course the last two ones pick jugger and LC instead. Two junglers, pretty much the game already lost since start. I tried my best and adjusted with went support instead as PA (bought many wards as I could only for getting my teammates died cause playing dota like fecking FPS, didnt see minimap). I raged so much at the end of the game and selling all my items.

    A guy who didnt play for 7 months went mid to ruining his teammates game and got 1-12 score as mirana. Like come on valve cant you match this kind of player with another ones who also just play again after had long period of hiatus? Those 7 months are really making difference since many patch updates occured and pretty much the game environment changed a lot.

    I could say that the MMR games environment at the moment isnt too good. Perhaps one or two weeks later it would be already stable without the huge difference of skills of the players who calibrated at the wrong place. Just my 50 cents.

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