General Discussion

General DiscussionIcefrog 200 IQ

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Icefrog 200 IQ in General Discussion

    with the bounty runes he very subtly makes low mmr players think about important stuff.

    Since the bulldog meme "GET THE ROOOOONS" every 2k pleb knows that runes are important.

    So a 1k will think "i have to get the rune at 25:00"
    the next step is "how do i get the rune at 25:00"

    so he starts thinking (big win, the stone starts to roll)

    maybe he starts to think about the concept of map control "well i have to push the wave to get to the rune"
    "maybe i place a ward in the enemy jungle so that i can see if people take the rune/can take mine safely"


    isnt this genious?
    getting players to think about complicated concepts of dota 2, which they previously would have never thought about?

    I actually feel this in my 3k games, people actively say "push the wave, runes spawn soon" and im mindblown by this statement because i always complained about cores not pushing waves.

    Palmen aus Plastik

      hahahaha. interesting!




          hahaha DOGG lost bluestar

          Cheap Laugh Guy


            vera rahma

              Your 3k talking shit about 2k, get a life bro


                What makes you think everybody watched bulldogs streams? Rofl


                  the one thing that surprises me in <1k bracket is how often those plebs remember to go for runes. i always forget, and they never ever forget. why is that?


                    Sometimes in 1k someone is farming a camp 2 feet from the rune, which is warded. I ping it. They continue farming the camp, then leave.


                      uuh i wrote "low mmr players" and i mentioned 3k as well, since i consider that low mmr too.




                          Roons and baboons rhyme, you know what else?

                          Suck my tiny curry dick

                            Roons and coons

                            michael sassbender

                              for low mmr players, going from 'i want the rune at xx' to 'how do i get the rune at xx' is simply just walking to the rune no matter what. I don't think they will think it through like that.

                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!