General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you counter a spectre mid-late game?

How do you counter a spectre mid-late game? in General Discussion

    I just played a game against a techies and spectre and spectre, and we couldnt end fast enough, our tinker was greedy and kept dying, I made quite a few mistakes as well, but what exactly can be done better?


      playing around haunt cooldown is probably the way to go

      chicken spook,,,,

        She can't kill towers or farm fast
        Just poop on her from the laning stage and starve their team

        Also BKB/SE is good


          this game was so easily winnable in less than 20 min
          that was like a 15 min game or so
          all you had to do is play fast but at that mmr tier that seems to be rare


            Silver edge

            Vladimir Putin

              AoE heal/magic block from mek/pipe can work really well against her ult.

              Her dispersion reflects damage before reductions from her armour/magic resist,which can make it absurdly efficient. If you use medallion, deso, veil etc, you can make dispersion less efficient.


                Divine rapier Medusa can beat her late .


                  actually late spectre rapes medusa


                    Spec does rape diss late game ^ but rapier tends to rectify this . Actually I guess Medusa only does okay when defending in this situation I guess a Medusa out of her base even with rapier maybe in trouble lol . I’ll say this though I’ve seen a diss Defend her base vs a spec with rapier late game a couple times . Spec eventually won but then again Spectre team was already ahead by the time Medusa went rapier .


                      A more legit answer to op question about Spectre late would be a team of tanky hero’s like ls , dk, ul as core and like a ogre or something as support . Spectre just so dam strong late you’ll need some buddies to help you .

                      Morgan Freefarm

                        End it quickly. But if you fail mid against Spectre, you are screwed.

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                          pick or ban

                          if u think u can win against her in a pub then get redy to be suicidal

                          BSJ. LGD

                            dual ranged offlane vs spectre, luna+good ranged support. Mid magic dmg.

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