General Discussion

General DiscussionAny tips for pos 5?

Any tips for pos 5? in General Discussion
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    I'm trying to practice pos 5 for now on, so I have 50% experience playing this role


      Its hard to support in legend bracket, i say that you practice mid/carry instead then climb to ancient then you can start playing support

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        Its hard to support in ancient bracket, i say that you practice mid/carry instead then climb to divine then you can start playing support


          What, I even supporting in crusader bracket

          As frustating as it could be, even idiot carry will perform with 10k gold advantage against its opposition

          Unless it was midas bf maelstorm mom void, idk if that happened

          click click

            How should I play mid/carry? If retards always pick first mid


              Simple, you first pick mid/carry. Anyways, you need to learn the basics of supporting when you reach 4k


                I played support from ~3.5k upwards, but you need to pick a support that is still useful at late game (Legends below usually wants a 60mins game with full equips and max level haha!)

                Potato PC

                  1. Find few pos. 5 hero that suitable for you
                  2. Be patient. Even though i usually tilt.

                  I don't see any reason not to support on lower bracket since i raise my mmr from 1K to 3K/legend by spamming IO.

                  PRAISE THE SUN!

                    First pick mid like the posts above say
                    Easy mmr tickets are Bloodseeker Zeus and Windrunner as of right now. Basically lock down is not important in these brackets, the higher your damage the higher your winrate period.

                    Never support in the lower brackets its complete trash/train wrecks.

                    Just think about it for a sec.
                    They go insane if you even suggest going dual lane against an am or trilane against someone.

                    Why would you buy wards for someone with no map awareness???

                    Support for first pick am or first pick PA? Who is the real idiot here hahaha

                    In response to ramen about idiots first pick, mute all before game starts and first pick mid srs.

                    The reason for picking mid or core in these brackets is because the cores are just bad they farm forever then die from solo split pushing.

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      Idk why people suggesting carry instead supp when their game carry is winnable because they have supp. Lmao


                        Buy wards!


                          If you know you are better than your mates then go Core because there is a higher chance of winning.


                            If you know you are better than your mates then go Core because there is a higher chance of winning.

                            And that my friend is the reason why you are stucked in that shit hole haha!

                            SASA POPOVIC

                              I play pos5 with my friends sometimes because they are all Core lunatics, problem i have is i dont know when to leave my team and go farm something up so i end up with boots and stick in my inventory and enter like a walking creep that dies from AOE every time in a clash.

                              So when should i farm something up as pos5? IF game going good i will get glimmer/eul from kill assists alone, but what to do when all lanes offer weak kill potential and you play from behind as pos 5? :thinking:


                                Farm the danger spots no one wants to farm

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  Farm the danger spots no one wants to farm


                                    You rarely farm as position 5. There is a reason why most of the gold talents were placed to supps.

                                    SASA POPOVIC

                                      I know that but showing anywhere on the map without euls/glimmer in midgame is literally asking for death, you are free goldbag at that point unless you are shaman/bane/lion

                                      Especially now when WR/clinkz are meta picks, count riki in low brackets and you get pretty solid picture why nobody pick support. ^^

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                        If you're going to start learning a new role, i suggest finding a hero you like (to spam). You'll start to learn the basic stuff along the way.

                                        I don't see why people would say supporting in legend is impossible, cause I've seen people carrying the game as a support just because they are doing their job really well (even in legend bracket).

                                        Mode : TOPSON

                                          just pick op supp pos5 like warlock or wd
                                          even if u go 1 10 just use ur ulti boom ez

                                          Mode : TOPSON

                                            your hard job is to make sure your carry farm safety or zoning enemy carry
                                            just make sure DO NOT supp if :
                                            - team first pick cancer carry like anti mage
                                            - your carry profile is not weeb or gibberish name
                                            - no one want to play stunner or iniiator

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                              Pos 5 heroes are mostly about knowing when/where to ward, reading map movements and in game leading.
                                              If for example a bloodseeker in your team is doing really well just tell your team to go look for fights and objectives if they don't realize it themselves.
                                              Tank ganks.
                                              Use smokes with ur teammates if you have kill potential
                                              Sit behind your core(s).
                                              Be positive and you get easy commends Clap


                                                another pro tip for supports, try walking back to lane if nothing's happening and save your tp for an important counter rotation. you stupid fucks

                                                Joe Pio

                                                  Intriguing post, I have struggled with this dilemma for awhile now. I love supporting but between 2.5-4k its truly a test. Like as a support I can build a mek, crimson, mana boots, but I cant force my team to be grouped and use them optimally. Same goes for the core themselves, if they are constantly locked down and never buy a bkb I dont see a way as a Treant, or Lich, or AA that I can make up for it and win the game.


                                                    It's hard to support in divine bracket, I say you practice mid/carry instead climb to immortal then you can start playing support.


                                                      i'd say it's actually pretty easy to climb as a support on lower brackets since if you are good you can secure your cores a good game and not have a garbage support who ruins your early game and such


                                                        Don't listen to people above, they are probably trash.

                                                        Supporting is good in any bracket-especially if you communicate with your team.

                                                        Witch doctor- wins lanes, kills/tilts enemy cores, all around good support.

                                                        Crystal Maiden - you don't even need to play, just level up aura. Well not really, but she is really strong once you figure out how to position her properly.

                                                        Skywrath Mage- you just win the lane, noone knows at low mmr how to deal with that. After that you can transition into a core if you wish.

                                                        ALWAYS have detection. If you gank someone with invis and you have no detection, you failed at life, uninstall and commit sudoku.

                                                        Ward a lot, pay attention to the mini map. It doesn't matter that your teammates have no awarness- its your job to tell them that they are about to get ganked 20 seconds before it happens. Use ur mic/chat, 80% of the times people will listen.

                                                        Gank lanes, if you tilt their mid or safelane, you already won. Your goal is to make enemies have shaking hands and blood in their eyes, so that they cant even press buttons right. Your goal for your team is to do exactly the opposite.

                                                        Always keep a TP so you can rotate against a gank or help with a gank. Buy smokes to help with the second one.

                                                        Play 10-30 games of offlane clockwerk/pudge/treant so you learn about paying attention to the mini map, if that's a problem.

                                                        Basically if you do your job a rhesus monkey should be able to carry you to victory, 30-40% of the games you can carry yourself if everything goes well.

                                                        Joe Pio

                                                          Just lost another as pos 5 sd. Zoned the offlaner giving my HC free farm, vison controled, and helped secure early kills for HC. Still just get run over lol. Seems like a steamroll mid hero is the play this meta. Other lanes rarely matter imo.


                                                            pick bara and start roaminggggggg....

                                                            Joe Pio

                                                              i miss roaming so much not a fan of the 2-1-2. Pos 4 is the most fun but they hurt it a lot recently.


                                                                Anyways for some real pos 5 advice. Pick Phoenix or warlock. Easy mmr.


                                                                  TBH seeing your SD game, it is just wrong.

                                                                  You had perfect counterpick to their most powerful heroes - you can solo kill huskar after lvl 7 and you can kite bloodseeker. All you need is maxing Q and W. Huskar is a food for you - when he jumps on you Q, W and run into woods. After he spawn from ball ulti and copies just kill him alone. Maxing E is decent in cases there will be prolonged fights. That is not a case with their heroes - they have all bursty heroes, so teamfights ends in less time than you can get off more than 3-4 spells.

                                                                  Also itemization is just wrong.

                                                                  You dont need arcanes AND aether lens. If you want it badly, do one of those (disesamble arcanes). But you are better of with other items. Not mentioning your survability with this build is pretty bad - you have 1400HP lvl 20 and you want to use Q offensively/save somebody, so no survability - not mentioning zeus ulti + rockets from tinker, which has 800dmg - taking you to 1/2HP.

                                                                  Instead of these you can have Spirit vessel, which fucks up both bloodseeker and Huskar. And it gives you high kill potential pretty much on anybody + big HP boost. Or Eul to survive inicial attack or just to eul blood and TP. Both items give you MS as well, so you can catch even better.

                                                                  Also - talents. although both you picked seems tempting, they are far worse than the other ones. Creating an ilusion (of Huskar) for 70 seconds is awesome. It helps you kill other people, push towers or if you die, farm. MS is superior as well - far more. With eul, spirit vessel, this talent and tranquils, you have almost 500MS - that is 100 more than your build.

                                                                  Also - SD is great with heroes who have slow/stun/damage. Combining with void is somehow waste and I would suggest roaming mid ocassionaly, as with QOP you have decent chance for kills as well.


                                                                    So to sum up - Generally SD is bad pick for first round - if enemy picks heroes with escape (Mirana, Puck, AM, etc), you are kinda useless. You want to see ranged right click cores (Huskar, Viper, Sniper, Gyro, Lina, Silencer, SF, Veno and others). So I would suggest not picking him unless you see those.

                                                                    Ideally on lane with some core with slow/stun (with Venom/Viper can beat trilane) and personally I feel it is better to be played agresively (with items to support it - urn/spirit vessel, eul, aghs, dagger).

                                                                    And you need to be a bit greedy on this hero - when you max E, you need to use it - farm a bit when you have time (when you cant do anything else). Because items (and lvls) like Aghs, eul etc gives so much utility to you. Dont be afraid to go lvl 2 mid, when you have SF lvl 4/5, who have razes and mana and set up for him 2 raze combo. Use smokes.

                                                                    P.S. once I was trilane with Dazzle - ball, dazzle heal into 4 (you, dazzle, 2 copies) - Underlord died on rune lvl 1 against 2 supps.


                                                                      @joe I will usually scream at core to buy bkb. But ultimately it's their game so let them play they way they know how. And you just focus on your own game which would be far from perfect anyway. Unless you're not dying every game you shouldn't be focusing on what the core does.

                                                                      Joe Pio

                                                                        Nice lol. My thing is im usually first pick so its like im probably gunna have a rough game. With that sd game huskar was mid so i didnt even see him for 12 min so i doubt the talents would have mattered to much. Its all good, dota is dota. I mean even if i pick naga and set up a perfect 5 man sleep, doesnt mean my team will execute after. I digress, im just gunna first pick chen and run at people until im back at 3.5k lol.

                                                                        PRAISE THE SUN!

                                                                          Wtf spirit vessel is horrible VS huskar it's magic dmg.

                                                                          In reply to supports work in all brackets, wtf not at all see the length of games in different brackets low mmr have the longest games and highest mmr have the shortest games on average. Might as well pick pudge like your life depends on it in low tier.

                                                                          To the post below, yes teach me pro why does bounty hunter have an abyssmal winrate VS huskar when his core item is spirit vessel

                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                            Spirit vessel negates the huskar heal and prevents successful armlet toggling.. what kind of 5k are you?


                                                                              try to pick bs, u can ez win from herald to Immortal



                                                                                Do you know what spirit vessel does?
                                                                                When used against enemies, it reduces health by 4.5% of current health per second, and reduces HP regeneration and healing by 70%. Deals 20 damage per second.

                                                                                The main reason is the healing part
                                                                                1) His Q is crippled (even after your ulti runs out)
                                                                                2) Huskar usually has lifesteal - morbid mask 13 minutes this game - spirit vessel makes it worthless item, as well as limiting lifesteal from satanic later on. He will need 3x more hits to heal to full.
                                                                                3) Armlet toggle is limited - you lose life double the speed.

                                                                                Bounty is bad because he has no way to do something with Huskar.

                                                                                SD can solokill huskar anytime in the game, unless Huskar uses orchid+nulifier on him (or has 10 sec BKB. When he is on 6-7sec BKB you can kill him as well if you have eul). Copies, vessel and ulti eats through him.


                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                  Here a specific tip, drop a observer ward on the ground when you see a fight coming up. No matter where you are, just drop it for more vision. If there is a highground use this spot, to place your ward.

                                                                                  Play support in every game, if you really want to learn it. For example look at my profile. I reached ancient 4 last seasion.
                                                                                  At the moment I play Warlock, Bane, Winterwyven and Skyrwath position 5.

                                                                                  13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                                                                    pick treant

                                                                                    Joe Pio

                                                                                      @Hamagregorin thanks for the tip, thats definitely something I dont usually do very often. Tree easily my best hero on dotabuff but I dont like the way the pros play it lol. Unless im running with an Ursa, or Mk etc im not focused on the w slow heal. 91 base dmg + invis + root + global heal seems way more value to me. Im so low rank what do I know but ive found that the global heal presence has huge impact. Keeps all 3 of your cores in lane longer so they get xp, you keep the towers longer so you have map control. I dunno, huge fan of ppd but hate the way he plays my tree lol.

                                                                                      Joe Pio

                                                                                        Just played pos 5 sky, zoned a doom out my lane giving my hc free farm leading HC lvl 6/Doom lvl 2/Sky lvl 3. Have a great teamfight and we are pushing t3 with 2 cores dead and other on other side of map in vison. So 5v2 with creeps at T3, both my cores back/hesitate and the HC says "I dont want to end yet". #supportlife

                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!