General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp!!!

Help!!! in General Discussion

    So basically, I used to play solo ranked after working 10+ hrs a day and dropped fro 4.5k to 3.5k mmr & finally to 3k mmr in the new caliberation. I want to climb back the mmr & not stop at 4.5k but reach 5k atleast.

    I've been playing since dota 1 (2012) & know all the basics, mechanics & updates over the patches. I feel comfortable with any role & actually feel it's too much flexibility fucking up my games. I've climbed from 3.5k to <4k mmr multiple times, but get stuck once I reach that 4.4-4.5k mark.

    Any suggestions to go beyond the 4.5k trench & any suggestions to make my way up to 5.5k or up are welcome.

    Hero suggestions, play style changes, role suggestions, ANY kind of constructive feed back is appreciated.

    PS: Leaving my job in a month or so :) so have a couple of month's to focus only on dota 2.

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      People that buy tranquils into dagon 5 on nyx belong into 2k.


        I mostly play a solo sup if Nyx and have almost 60% win rate with that hero(same build) ... speak for yourself peasant

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
        Жаба с горы мьёбоку

          Playing since 2012 and still can’t understand how to get better. What a joke


            ^Dont listen to blue star retards.

            I was 5k when I had no life and was playing dota non-stop. Especially if you play core roles you need to play everyday to keep your mechanics/farming patters on high level and work on decision making and positioning from there.

            My friends who are divine are usually 20-21 year old, no income, no job, problems at school. No one talks about the other side of the medal. Here you can show off your blue star, but there are thousands of games behind this star. A couple of hours everyday too keep in shape. Weeks spent in a row in front of computer sweating and swearing resulting in hair loss and no sex.

            The only exceptions are players who are very talented towards the game and/or play pos 4-5. You dont need to be playing that much on that positions imo. So taking your job into consideration I recommend those positions if you want to grind to dvine.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              ^Yea u pretty Much have to play consistently and a lot so u get a good pattern good and make less mistakes essentially. Spot on. Ain't nobody got time for that


                @shinra Don't think you read the post properly... I'm only seeking tips to gain MMR not play better in general.... 4.5k and up people have almost same skills (except a few).... but some people pick better based on the opposition, some play only certain heroes(attacker, cancel,ritsu,bsj) and others play dedicated roles like you (95% core)..... it's just that thing that differentiates them and helps the reach a higher mmr IMO....... so that was what I was looking at.....
                @Lex Thanks for the tip..... supporting in this bracket is very hard though... not good enough carry when I support and vice versa.... will climb to 3.5k first then focus on playing only pos 4/5 & see how it works out....


                  @HanYolo Yeah pretty much most of them spend a lot of time consistently...... there are a few exceptions though... some people play like 1-2 hrs a day and manage to get to a good rank..... aiming to get there since I already spent so much time in this game already :D


                    Mid all the time


                      Being versatile and not caring about how you play will likely result your mmr in fluctuating a lot. You could be making a lot of wrong decisions on auto pilot because you don't try to play properly

                      A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                        you call blue stars retards cause you are jealous or what lol, they are higher mmr than you at least, and you assume they have no life and everything and have no definitive proof. Just based on a small sample size, you assume all high ranking players are retards? What a joke Lex, says others have no life but posts comments for more than 3 years. You must have alot time :)


                          If you are good, you gain mmr, if you are bad, you lose mmr. As simple as that, no need to regard blue stars as no lifers.


                            I'm only seeking tips to gain MMR not play better in general



                              spam META everyday

                              Жаба с горы мьёбоку

                                You can add me in steam if u want I can help you when I have some time



                                  No. I had much higher mmr pre 7.00 but my life was miserable back then. One cannot simply get divine by playing casual doto. Its a fact. Im not jealous at all because i did reach my goal back in the days and I have no further ambitions for dota and Im too old for it. I only called a retard person who disrespect OP just because he is still 3k. Not everyone is a student with a lot of free time. Some people actually have their own bussiness to run and families to feed.

                                  And the problem is that to git gud you have to play everyday and analyse mistakes.

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                  Жаба с горы мьёбоку

                                    @lex dude if you have more thn 20 iq you will be able to stay at 5k even if you have 5 African child to feed. Only I see from you is “ bla bla I have family and life bla bla you have no life “


                                      Holy cow.... You people are at it like crazy... The reason we all love gaming in general is because it helps us relieve stress and do something we enjoy.... So calm the fuck down and play for fun to begin with... It's not like we are seriously aspiring to play for a pro DotA 2 team... Might as well get better while doing something you enjoy...

                                      SASA POPOVIC

                                        ^Play dota for fun??? Dota relives stress? Yeah sure, if you play on a smurf and you dont care and win games with 1 hand.

                                        Grinding MMR on main in your own skill bracket is slow and painful process that you can do 2-4 games per day in a row because you lose mental clarity and focus. Dota gets you tired, im standing behind everything Lex said, any player that is honest can confirm that too, high MMR dota is stressful any team can win at any time by capitalizing on a mistake someone made its stressful and tiring but not fun.


                                          cmom bruh what about the masochist peeps in the community


                                            Dotabuff have meta page for some reason.

                                            Askking here only make you wonder if they are really human or not

                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!