General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to be a strong/good player guys??

How to be a strong/good player guys?? in General Discussion

    I'm stuck in this bracket. I don't know what to do; I'm so stuck in this game. And please, if you have time, can you analyze my matches? and state what I should improve.

    a c e

      Alright. I'll send you a request.

      a c e

        Also shame on this community for not replying to you for 2 weeks. Someone genuinely asking for helping and pointers and no one bothers replying... pathetic!


          Well no response is better than the usual ‘git gud you noob I can 1v9 better than Bruce Lee’ response…



            Watch your own replays.
            Watch pro games.
            Watch infinite guides on youtube.
            Most importantly, stop caring about mmr/bracket/medal. Have fun and focus on improving.
            Contrary to what all the whiny losers on this forums will say, the mmr system works pretty ok.

            You won't be climbing anything without willing to put in actual efforts. (Also, playing 14 games daily with your brain turned off and hoping you get good teammates isn't included in "actual efforts")


              ^ what he said

              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!