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    go go go winter major



      but for real. It's getting better being a Na'Vi fanshit nowadays.


        Funnik And XBOCT???? HERE COMES THE THROWS :D



          dragon believer

            How was every team member of Steak mentioned except Blitz, wtf?

            Derp's missing tax files

              Currently the Enchanted Mango only has a 34.43% win rate. Together, we as a community, have the ability to fix this problem and end this horrific tragedy. Please help. It is our duty as gamers to give this item the respect it is due.


                "How was every team member of Steak mentioned except Blitz, wtf?"

                Maybe because he's a sub.


                  Erythros : if you've been following Empire in the past weeks, you will see that Xboct is playing significantly better (or should I say safer?) in the current team than in Navi.


                    different players suits different gameplays in different team , taking xboct as example , he did well in empire as empire is a gank oriented fight team Kappa

                    Lucky Godzilla

                      will it be pleasing again 2 be a alliance fangay? i rly hope so


                        Mineski got this


                          Mineski got my Dick the shittiest team in the whole tournament


                            I don't have a great feeling about Alliance's new lineup, but I will support them nevertheless.

                            WakSunari™ヽ( ̄ω ̄ )

                              Xboct n Funn1k = Best :)

                              Espresso yoself.

                                Empire, gonna be some great games to watch! Love some Funn1k!

                                ||GuNNeR|| KING

                                  Alliance all the way!



                                    Wuff Time in Dota 2

                                      Xboct has been playing consistently well for a while now. He even got into the grand finals of a few tournaments with his team earlier in 6.84, which is impressive. He hasn't been doing dumb crap for ages now, and people are only just realising it. 6.83 was full of him throwing games, but in the past 6 months he's genuinely impressed me, and if you give him a chance, he may well impress you too.

                                      Funn1k is also an excellent offlaner, although there are only a few heroes I've seen him truly shine on. Let's hope Empire is finally able to get a stable roster. Same with Na'Vi, they've been all over the place, although Xboct wasn't the problem, it was more leadership issues.


                                        wanna hear some horror story?
                                        once upon a time, xboct and funnik comeback to Na'Vi..


                                          this major gonna be awesome to watch. when navi will take on empire ggwp


                                            Oh, I'll miss Synderwyn's nice casting.

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                                                illidan :(