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      It just occured to me that puppey kicked w33 and misery at such a crucial moment and signed in rtz so that 1.They eliminate a strong possible contender in the future by not letting w33 have any decent time to find a new team and 2. They absorb a more-or-less equal player in rtz. Looks like quite a dick move to me.


        second :/


          So all they need to do is have a rule where if a team/organisation kicks players X amount of time before roster lock, they don't get an invite.


            Слава Україні!

            Vem Comigo


              typical. 🎃


                Then you may as well just shorten the roster lock? Makes no difference. What you actually need is to split the roster change season into two parts, one part where you can kick players and sign pre-contracts with new players, and another half where the free agents are able to move about and fill in the remaining areas. This lets the top teams basically lock their teams in time, but also stops a situation where somebody is kicked 2 days before the lock comes in and they're left teamless.

                РАБ ТВОЯ ГОСПОДИН

                  vernite all pick pls

                  UNCLE KUSH

                    -apem only


                      I struggle with the notion that teams think it is a good idea to have a liquid roster. The amount of shuffling that occurs is insane. How do you develop as friends, as a team, or learn each others play styles strengths and weaknesses if you have new teammates every 6 months? It's like knowing that your winger is going to be in front of the net, in a position to catch the hard puck off the goalies pads, without actually seeing him in your peripherals. Suddenly you aren't shooting to score, but intentionally putting the puck low so they get a juicy rebound. Teams can't seem to figure out that chemistry is not always inherent.

                      par73 KB24 | GTUBE

                        I think the roster locks are legit. The biggest issue brought to light here is that there is no players union, no player protection. The lack of security and sense of uncertainty is a non-factor to some players, but to other players it weighs heavy and can affect their play.
                        While the amount of shuffling post majors seems a bit insane, it's most definitely appropriate in current circumstance. Esports is annual, rather than traditional sports which are seasonal (i.e. MLB spring-fall, NFL fall-winter, NBA fall-spring). Without shuffling or fluid rosters, there is little time to take a break. "OH but they are PRO DOTA PLAYERS, NO BREAKS ALLOWED"; sorry, the "Gods" bleed the same blood we do and are human just as us, don't be fooled.

                        I think it would be very interesting to see a Major played where rosters remain open throughout the qualifiers, but imagine helping your squad earn a qualifying spot just to be benched for some player who's team was eliminated. That would be garbage.

                        @CaptainsMode = +25 +25... that sounds like an insanely strategical play by the pupstar but I think you're looking into it too much. I'm pretty sure Pup would rather be playing with the best against the best rather than excluding the best. You almost make it sound like he's afraid to play against the pubstar w33, far from the truth I reckon.



                          rosters should just be locked till the next TI. If the majors are the lead up to the big event then the teams should be kept as is. Before TI got huge there wasn't this much changing of players.


                            This is fairly easy.

                            Players, via a union (They wont make this on their own due to unproffisionalsim), make an agreement that they all sign contracts until the day before the transfer window open. Just like in European Football. You have 1-2-3 windows per calendar year, place them like now, 6 months before TI and right after TI for 21 days or so.

                            Window - Major - TI - Window - Major - Major - Window - Major - TI - Window - Major - Major - Window - Major - TI - Window

                            ETC ETC ETC. Contracts ends the day of the Second Major / TI.

                            So ez.

                            So guud.


                              EG has the winning combination now No RTZ and AUI in EZ BUGGATIS


                                I don't know dude. In my opinion rtz is a strong player, who met my expectations at Shanghai. Plus he is Canadian. I can see eg and the old man struggling to recover from these changes.


                                  rts duude


                                    Valve should look carefully at professional sports, primarily soccer to figure out how to fix this. There needs to be a player's union and then a CBA. It's a bit hard to pull off with so many teams and whatnot but if they really want to protect the players they need someway of enforcing guaranteed contracts and perhaps a trade system


                                      Its harder to care about a team when the people who make up the team are shed and reintroduced multiple times a year. The benefit of most sports is that its hard to trade, drop, and pick up replacement level players, so when you follow a team you are able to really connect with the players, their stories, and the tradition (or style of play) of the team itself.

                                      Imagine if FC Barcelona or Real Madrid shed 2/3rds of their roster every month or so, it would be harder to connect with "your" team because so many of the faces haven't bought into it as much as a person who has been on the team for 3-5 years.

                                      Now E-sports is a whole new beast because first and foremost, the pool of players is immense, exposure is relatively easier to do if you are good enough, and the participants run between ~16-27.

                                      I would love Valve to find a sweet spot, where the composition of a team would have to handle the ups and downs together rather than breaking down and reforming as soon as a tournament is over. There should be protection for the professionals but at the same time allow the game to still be inclusive enough that a potential pubstar might be invited to a team and allowed to play.


                                        Hyatt I agree 100%


                                          In my culture kicking a gud player like w33 is considered as a dick mov....


                                            Navi go one 2016

                                            ANAK PRESIDEN

                                              The secret kick was not a dick move and they have notified them already they're about to be kicked. I'll obviously believe EE over some random dudes with countless conspiracy theories. Besides, valve does not give secret any warning, so no one was wronged and it's just you guys that want a drama to happen.


                                                Maybe the transfers could go like international soccer transfer windows, if a player's being transfered from team to team, then the window has to be respected but if a player has no team when the window finishes, then he can sign with anyone.
                                                This would give dismissed guys a better chance to find a team.

                                                What would happen if, for instance, Arteezy and Universe decide to inform EG that they are out only a couple of hours before the end of the window ? If EG can't find a player in 2 hours, are they out of a Major and a TI being current champs ?