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    Where are Predictions for The Boston Major?
    It locks in less than 10 hours.
    At least some Fantasy Challenge tips would be nice.

    The DarKNovA

      Ask about predictions in the right place.


        Where, can you tell me?
        I just want to know Total Number of matches played at main event for Boston Major.
        It cant be more than 47 right?

        The Doctor

          Not first again

          dead inside

            5th yeayyy


              Nice work Skim.


                where magnus?


                  Magnus is in the trash


                    Luna will be mid soon. Paired with a Drow safelane with Venge support, mirana roaming and dazzle/oracle in mid/safe!


                      what is w33's skill build on mid ursa?

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        ^^yeah and everybody explodes because there is no tank

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          my puny 2k mind cannot comprehend why pudge isnt mentioned

                          pudge best mid hero forevarh


                            skillbuild on ursa mid is 1-2-2 or 4-1-1, depends, 4-1-1 not very popular, but 5 sec cd on that shit is fuckign obliterating

                            source: 60%+ winrate over 300 games ursa

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              How do you have a top tier mid laner list without Arc Warden?

                              Убийца Меты

                                LUL. When this patch was released i saw OD int steal 80 sec and start spam with 70% winrate with atos+pike+hex. But got ~30 reports from start game just for pick OD ("useless nerfed hero" (c) my teammates)

                                Зашел Подруинить


                                  Worst amongst the Best



                                      Magnus are famous with pubs right?




                                          @haffy ^^yeah and everybody explodes because there is no tank

                                          There is no such thing as a tank in dota young one. Offensive items and abilities scale way better than anything defensive, however there are heroes that can perform as initiators.


                                            huba huba huba ahahha

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              how does scaling relate to the existence of a role

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                well you do have a blue star and have played over 5k games i just wanna clear it up


                                                  Kinda sad that its all about a farming mid laner now a days


                                                    u forgot shadow fiend


                                                      shadow fiend was absolutely forgoten..


                                                        HELLO DOTABUFF TRASHPOSTERS

                                                        Nervous Bakedown

                                                          ^^^SF sucks without something to buff him like a drow or something


                                                            Od is the #01 for sure. It's a range not that easy to kill mid who can banish people if he's aware of a gank, making space for other lanes and also astral is like... the easiest way to farm lane creeps. Practically always good against offlaners cuz od fucks tanks ass.


                                                              what about pa


                                                                SF is kinda unreliable... he need lots of farm to do his role becoz he's incredibly squishy at very least he need pt and meka for early war




                                                                    Alche Mid is the most impactable as well worrisome for the opponents.