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          ^ ¡¿Deleted?!

          Well, this meta outcome is not really surprising. After TI6 the meta changed like 3 or 4 times without a patch as well.

          Bobby Corwen

            watching pugna get playing by NaVi was pretty cool. its always nice to see different heroes rise to the top of the pick charts.


              Watching Liquid play is really so bullshit, we need another patch

              The DarKNovA

                The meta really doesn't change much, it's stale as hell by now.
                No wonder people try different approaches, but Pugna or not Pugna, it's pretty much the same kind of game whatsoever, and it's getting that boring after this long time with our current patch.

                don't care ITS TURBO

                  "From a rather insignificant amount of picks at TI (16), to now being the third most picked hero at the Minor (11)"

                  At first i'm a bit confused, because the data presented are in numbers, why not change it into percentage so the comparison can be clear.


                    I love the fact that Chen and Bambi are back. they are so fun to watch in general, they bring so many elements into the game.



                      Mr. Bean

                        They better not nerf natures, he's still barely viable in pubs. I know the game is balanced around pro play, but c'mon.

                        Potato PC

                          IO still barely playable in pub (especially 4k/lower), but valve never try to change it.

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                            Maxxforce DT

                              HOnestly even though patches shape the meta most of "meta" is really determined by the Better/best players and how they view the game. When someone figures out an answer to the problem a new problem is presented and around and round the meta grows. For almost 90% of the Heroes being extremely viable its amazing how people say "stale meta" I play at 4k Still pick ET, CM, Lina, Spec, CK, Void, Silncer hell I play shit tons of heroes and find it far from stale. you guys are just too caught up in your want for MMR you forget how to have fun.

                              white boy summer

                                dunno where the "stale pubs" come from, yet to see a brood/pugna/core veno in my games


                                  All for the better of Venomancer.. may it long live like aids spreading across the ocean sea..