You'll want to start downloading Dota 2 right now. It's available for free on Steam. Patches (which happen frequently) automatically download in the background, and there's no significant downtime during patches. You can easily play with your Steam friends, and it's easy to meet new people.
모든 영웅들을 무료로 사용할 수 있습니다. 영웅의 모습과 분위기를 멋지게 꾸밀 장식들을 구매할 수는 있지만, 돈을 사용하는 것이 당신을 강하게 만들어주지는 않습니다.
게임이 시작되기 전에 룬도, 특성도, 소환사 주문도 설정할 필요가 없습니다. 모두가 대등하게 시작하고, 모든 결정은 게임 내에서 이뤄집니다.
Dota에서 역할은 유동적입니다. 얼마나 많이 파밍했느냐에 따라서 당신의 역할이 바뀔 수도 있습니다.
Dota doesn't link player accounts to regions. This means you can play with your friends anywhere in the world. You can choose to play only on game servers in specific regions (ex. US East or US West) to reduce latency.
You need to opt-in see your profile and statistics on Dotabuff. Open the Dota 2 client, click the Settings cog (upper left), then the Options tab, click "Advanced Options" on the bottom and make sure "Expose Public Match Data" is checked. Learn More
Dota doesn't have Summoner spells like Flash. A very common item to purchase is Blink Dagger, which provides you with more mobility than Flash on a much shorter cooldown. Fewer heroes have mobility built in and instead purchase it.
There's no universal Recall spell. You can (and should) purchase a Town Portal Scroll, or buy
Boots of Travel. You can Teleport to base or friendly structures, and it works while taking damage but will get interrupted if stunned.
Dota에는 잘 사용하면 전황을 완전히 뒤집어놓을 수 있는 Black King Bar (BKB) 와 같은 매우 강력한 아이템들이 있습니다. 알아둬야 할 중요한 아이템들로는 또
Bottle 과
Aghanim's Scepter 등이 있습니다. 대부분의 아이템들이 시전 기술을 가지고 있고, 더 강력한 효과들을 가집니다.
There often isn't a dedicated jungler. Anyone could farm the jungle depending on the game. Creeps can tank it. Supports can stack additional jungle camps by pulling them out of the spawn point near their reset timer (every odd minute starting at 01:00). Carries can kill stacked camps for massive amounts of gold and experience.
Movement in Dota is slightly different because turning takes time. Clicking to move or attack will cause your hero to rotate to face the cast point, then move or attack only once it's facing that direction. This will take some getting used to and adds another level of depth to gameplay. Last hitting and kiting are more difficult.
Dota has three places to buy items: the main shop in your base, side shops in the top and bottom lanes, and the secret shop: a place in the jungle that sells special items you can't get elsewhere. Each team can use a Animal Courier to pick up and deliver items from these shops to your hero anywhere on the map.
Instead of Baron, Dota has Roshan, who gives gold and drops Aegis of the Immortal with no team buff. Dota doesn't have a Dragon, but does have two Runes: powerful temporary buffs that spawn in the river every 2 minutes. Barracks (inhibitors) do not respawn, and only the melee one will regen health if not destroyed.
Start with Purge's Dota 2 Guide: Welcome to Dota, You Suck. Purge's guide goes into just the right level of detail on nearly every aspect of the game. Purge also produces great videos for newer players.