매치 ID: 887360208Lanes

캡틴 모드
게임 모드
경기 날짜
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VP.biuVP.biu 승리!
레디언트 레인
Laning Stage (00:00 - 12:00)마지막 타격
영웅플레이어오른쪽L레인영웅NWXP처치죽음도움T사망 골드잃음Acc@4@8@12
GSM승리 레인
레디언트 오프/상부
Net Worth at 12:00
0 Player Net Worth in lane
0 Team Net Worth in lane
0 Opposing Net Worth in lane
XP at 12:00
1,741 Player XP in lane (29% of allies' in lane)
5,907 Team XP in lane (138% of enemies' in lane)
4,278 Opposing XP in lane
처치 at 12:00
0 Player 처치 in lane
1 Team 처치 in lane
0 Opposing 처치 in lane
죽음 at 12:00
1 Player 죽음 in lane (50% of allies' in lane)
2 Team 죽음 in lane (100% of enemies' in lane)
2 Opposing 죽음 in lane
도움 at 12:00
4 Player 도움 in lane (67% of allies' in lane)
6 Team 도움 in lane
0 Opposing 도움 in lane
Tower Kills at 12:00
0 Player Tower Kills in lane
0 Team Tower Kills in lane
0 Opposing Tower Kills in lane
Next Level승리 레인
레디언트 오프/상부
Net Worth at 12:00
0 Player Net Worth in lane
0 Team Net Worth in lane
0 Opposing Net Worth in lane
XP at 12:00
4,166 Player XP in lane (71% of allies' in lane)
5,907 Team XP in lane (138% of enemies' in lane)
4,278 Opposing XP in lane
처치 at 12:00
1 Player 처치 in lane (100% of allies' in lane)
1 Team 처치 in lane
0 Opposing 처치 in lane
죽음 at 12:00
1 Player 죽음 in lane (50% of allies' in lane)
2 Team 죽음 in lane (100% of enemies' in lane)
2 Opposing 죽음 in lane
도움 at 12:00
2 Player 도움 in lane (33% of allies' in lane)
6 Team 도움 in lane
0 Opposing 도움 in lane
Tower Kills at 12:00
0 Player Tower Kills in lane
0 Team Tower Kills in lane
0 Opposing Tower Kills in lane
一代大神drew 레인
레디언트 미드
Net Worth at 12:00
0 Player Net Worth in lane
0 Opposing Net Worth in lane
XP at 12:00
3,781 Player XP in lane (79% of enemies' in lane)
4,798 Opposing XP in lane
처치 at 12:00
1 Player 처치 in lane (100% of enemies' in lane)
1 Opposing 처치 in lane
죽음 at 12:00
2 Player 죽음 in lane (100% of enemies' in lane)
2 Opposing 죽음 in lane
도움 at 12:00
2 Player 도움 in lane
0 Opposing 도움 in lane
Tower Kills at 12:00
0 Player Tower Kills in lane
0 Opposing Tower Kills in lane
alan walker패배 레인
레디언트 세이프/Bot
Net Worth at 12:00
0 Player Net Worth in lane
0 Opposing Net Worth in lane
XP at 12:00
4,261 Player XP in lane (64% of enemies' in lane)
6,625 Opposing XP in lane
처치 at 12:00
4 Player 처치 in lane (67% of enemies' in lane)
6 Opposing 처치 in lane
죽음 at 12:00
3 Player 죽음 in lane (150% of enemies' in lane)
2 Opposing 죽음 in lane
도움 at 12:00
1 Player 도움 in lane (14% of enemies' in lane)
7 Opposing 도움 in lane
Tower Kills at 12:00
0 Player Tower Kills in lane
0 Opposing Tower Kills in lane
心态(<3Angelababy)승리 레인
레디언트 로머
Net Worth at 12:00
0 Player Net Worth in lane
0 Opposing Net Worth in lane
XP at 12:00
1,937 Player XP in lane (132% of enemies' in lane)
1,462 Opposing XP in lane
처치 at 12:00
0 Player 처치 in lane
0 Opposing 처치 in lane
죽음 at 12:00
0 Player 죽음 in lane
1 Opposing 죽음 in lane
도움 at 12:00
4 Player 도움 in lane (133% of enemies' in lane)
3 Opposing 도움 in lane
Tower Kills at 12:00
0 Player Tower Kills in lane
0 Opposing Tower Kills in lane
Laning Stage: drew
Net Worth at 12:00
0 Team Net Worth in lane
0 Opposing Net Worth in lane
XP at 12:00
15,886 Team XP in lane (93% of enemies' in lane)
17,163 Opposing XP in lane
처치 at 12:00
6 Team 처치 in lane (86% of enemies' in lane)
7 Opposing 처치 in lane
죽음 at 12:00
7 Team 죽음 in lane (100% of enemies' in lane)
7 Opposing 죽음 in lane
도움 at 12:00
13 Team 도움 in lane (130% of enemies' in lane)
10 Opposing 도움 in lane
Tower Kills at 12:00
0 Team Tower Kills in lane
0 Opposing Tower Kills in lane
다이어 레인
Laning Stage (00:00 - 12:00)마지막 타격
영웅플레이어오른쪽L레인영웅NWXP처치죽음도움T사망 골드잃음Acc@4@8@12
Nichijou패배 레인
다이어 세이프/상부
Net Worth at 12:00
0 Player Net Worth in lane
0 Opposing Net Worth in lane
XP at 12:00
4,278 Player XP in lane (72% of enemies' in lane)
5,907 Opposing XP in lane
처치 at 12:00
0 Player 처치 in lane
1 Opposing 처치 in lane
죽음 at 12:00
2 Player 죽음 in lane (100% of enemies' in lane)
2 Opposing 죽음 in lane
도움 at 12:00
0 Player 도움 in lane
6 Opposing 도움 in lane
Tower Kills at 12:00
0 Player Tower Kills in lane
0 Opposing Tower Kills in lane
Zzzdrew 레인
다이어 미드
Net Worth at 12:00
0 Player Net Worth in lane
0 Opposing Net Worth in lane
XP at 12:00
4,798 Player XP in lane (127% of enemies' in lane)
3,781 Opposing XP in lane
처치 at 12:00
1 Player 처치 in lane (100% of enemies' in lane)
1 Opposing 처치 in lane
죽음 at 12:00
2 Player 죽음 in lane (100% of enemies' in lane)
2 Opposing 죽음 in lane
도움 at 12:00
0 Player 도움 in lane
2 Opposing 도움 in lane
Tower Kills at 12:00
0 Player Tower Kills in lane
0 Opposing Tower Kills in lane
Coco导演结局승리 레인
다이어 오프/Bot
Net Worth at 12:00
0 Player Net Worth in lane
0 Team Net Worth in lane
0 Opposing Net Worth in lane
XP at 12:00
2,189 Player XP in lane (33% of allies' in lane)
6,625 Team XP in lane (155% of enemies' in lane)
4,261 Opposing XP in lane
처치 at 12:00
2 Player 처치 in lane (33% of allies' in lane)
6 Team 처치 in lane (150% of enemies' in lane)
4 Opposing 처치 in lane
죽음 at 12:00
0 Player 죽음 in lane
2 Team 죽음 in lane (67% of enemies' in lane)
3 Opposing 죽음 in lane
도움 at 12:00
5 Player 도움 in lane (71% of allies' in lane)
7 Team 도움 in lane (700% of enemies' in lane)
1 Opposing 도움 in lane
Tower Kills at 12:00
0 Player Tower Kills in lane
0 Team Tower Kills in lane
0 Opposing Tower Kills in lane
승리 레인
다이어 오프/Bot
Net Worth at 12:00
0 Player Net Worth in lane
0 Team Net Worth in lane
0 Opposing Net Worth in lane
XP at 12:00
4,436 Player XP in lane (67% of allies' in lane)
6,625 Team XP in lane (155% of enemies' in lane)
4,261 Opposing XP in lane
처치 at 12:00
4 Player 처치 in lane (67% of allies' in lane)
6 Team 처치 in lane (150% of enemies' in lane)
4 Opposing 처치 in lane
죽음 at 12:00
2 Player 죽음 in lane (100% of allies' in lane)
2 Team 죽음 in lane (67% of enemies' in lane)
3 Opposing 죽음 in lane
도움 at 12:00
2 Player 도움 in lane (29% of allies' in lane)
7 Team 도움 in lane (700% of enemies' in lane)
1 Opposing 도움 in lane
Tower Kills at 12:00
0 Player Tower Kills in lane
0 Team Tower Kills in lane
0 Opposing Tower Kills in lane
Loand_패배 레인
다이어 정글
Net Worth at 12:00
0 Player Net Worth in lane
0 Opposing Net Worth in lane
XP at 12:00
1,462 Player XP in lane (75% of enemies' in lane)
1,937 Opposing XP in lane
처치 at 12:00
0 Player 처치 in lane
0 Opposing 처치 in lane
죽음 at 12:00
1 Player 죽음 in lane
0 Opposing 죽음 in lane
도움 at 12:00
3 Player 도움 in lane (75% of enemies' in lane)
4 Opposing 도움 in lane
Tower Kills at 12:00
0 Player Tower Kills in lane
0 Opposing Tower Kills in lane
Laning Stage: drew
Net Worth at 12:00
0 Team Net Worth in lane
0 Opposing Net Worth in lane
XP at 12:00
17,163 Team XP in lane (108% of enemies' in lane)
15,886 Opposing XP in lane
처치 at 12:00
7 Team 처치 in lane (117% of enemies' in lane)
6 Opposing 처치 in lane
죽음 at 12:00
7 Team 죽음 in lane (100% of enemies' in lane)
7 Opposing 죽음 in lane
도움 at 12:00
10 Team 도움 in lane (77% of enemies' in lane)
13 Opposing 도움 in lane
Tower Kills at 12:00
0 Team Tower Kills in lane
0 Opposing Tower Kills in lane
댓글 0개