Filter:시간모든 기간 이번 주 이번 달 ──────── Ranked Season 4 Ranked Season 3 Ranked Season 2 Ranked Season 1 ──────── Patch 7.38 Patch 7.37 Patch 7.36 Patch 7.35 Patch 7.34 Patch 7.33 ──────── 3달 전 최근 6달 12달 전시간스킬모든 스킬 ──────── 일반 매치 스킬 높음 스킬 매우 높음 스킬스킬로비모든 로비 ──────── 일반 매치 랭크 매치 배틀컵 ──── Not Used: ──── 팀 매치 개인 매치 사용자 지정로비게임 모드모든 모드 ──────── 자유 선택 Turbo Mutation 캡틴 모드 무작위 선발 개별 선발 캡틴 선발 ──────── 1대1 중부 전투 능력 조합 전체 무작위 무작위 섬멸전 최소 플레이 영웅 영웅 제한게임 모드모든 결과 승리 패배모든 결과플레이모든 플레이시간 ──────── > 12분 20분 이상 > 30분 > 40분 > 50분 > 60분 ──────── 20분 이하 20 - 30분 30 - 40분 40 - 50분 50 - 60분> 12분TrueSightAny Status ──────── Only Analyzed Matches Exclude Analyzed MatchesTrueSightSolo/PartyAny Party Size ──────── Solo Queue 파티 큐 (2+) ──────── 2-Stack 3-Stack 4-스택 5-스택 ──────── 3 이상 4 이상Solo/PartyCaptainAny Status ──────── 캡틴 모드만 캡틴 모드 포함CaptainRandomAny Status ──────── Only Randomed Matches Exclude Randomed MatchesRandom
Filter by Heroes, Roles, Lanes플레이어: 영웅모든 영웅 ──────── Abaddon Alchemist Ancient Apparition Anti-Mage Arc Warden Axe Bane Batrider Beastmaster Bloodseeker Bounty Hunter Brewmaster Bristleback Broodmother Centaur Warrunner Chaos Knight Chen Clinkz Clockwerk Crystal Maiden Dark Seer Dark Willow Dawnbreaker Dazzle Death Prophet Disruptor Doom Dragon Knight Drow Ranger Earth Spirit Earthshaker Elder Titan Ember Spirit Enchantress Enigma Faceless Void Grimstroke Gyrocopter Hoodwink Huskar Invoker Io Jakiro Juggernaut Keeper of the Light Kez Kunkka Legion Commander Leshrac Lich Lifestealer Lina Lion Lone Druid Luna Lycan Magnus Marci Mars Medusa Meepo Mirana Monkey King Morphling Muerta Naga Siren Nature's Prophet Necrophos Night Stalker Nyx Assassin Ogre Magi Omniknight Oracle Outworld Destroyer Pangolier Phantom Assassin Phantom Lancer Phoenix Primal Beast Puck Pudge Pugna Queen of Pain Razor Riki Ringmaster Rubick Sand King Shadow Demon Shadow Fiend Shadow Shaman Silencer Skywrath Mage Slardar Slark Snapfire Sniper Spectre Spirit Breaker Storm Spirit Sven Techies Templar Assassin Terrorblade Tidehunter Timbersaw Tinker Tiny Treant Protector Troll Warlord Tusk Underlord Undying Ursa Vengeful Spirit Venomancer Viper Visage Void Spirit Warlock Weaver Windranger Winter Wyvern Witch Doctor Wraith King Zeus영웅역할Any Role ──────── 지원 핵심역할레인Any Lane ──────── Safe Lane Off Lane Mid Lane Jungle Roaming레인OccupantsAny Amount ──────── Solo Lane (1) Dual Lane (2) Tri Lane (3) Quad Lane (4) Pent Lane (5) ──────── Occupants >= 2 Occupants >= 3 Occupants >= 4OccupantsWith Teammate: 영웅모든 영웅 ──────── Abaddon Alchemist Ancient Apparition Anti-Mage Arc Warden Axe Bane Batrider Beastmaster Bloodseeker Bounty Hunter Brewmaster Bristleback Broodmother Centaur Warrunner Chaos Knight Chen Clinkz Clockwerk Crystal Maiden Dark Seer Dark Willow Dawnbreaker Dazzle Death Prophet Disruptor Doom Dragon Knight Drow Ranger Earth Spirit Earthshaker Elder Titan Ember Spirit Enchantress Enigma Faceless Void Grimstroke Gyrocopter Hoodwink Huskar Invoker Io Jakiro Juggernaut Keeper of the Light Kez Kunkka Legion Commander Leshrac Lich Lifestealer Lina Lion Lone Druid Luna Lycan Magnus Marci Mars Medusa Meepo Mirana Monkey King Morphling Muerta Naga Siren Nature's Prophet Necrophos Night Stalker Nyx Assassin Ogre Magi Omniknight Oracle Outworld Destroyer Pangolier Phantom Assassin Phantom Lancer Phoenix Primal Beast Puck Pudge Pugna Queen of Pain Razor Riki Ringmaster Rubick Sand King Shadow Demon Shadow Fiend Shadow Shaman Silencer Skywrath Mage Slardar Slark Snapfire Sniper Spectre Spirit Breaker Storm Spirit Sven Techies Templar Assassin Terrorblade Tidehunter Timbersaw Tinker Tiny Treant Protector Troll Warlord Tusk Underlord Undying Ursa Vengeful Spirit Venomancer Viper Visage Void Spirit Warlock Weaver Windranger Winter Wyvern Witch Doctor Wraith King Zeus영웅역할Any Role ──────── 지원 핵심역할레인Any Lane ──────── Same Lane ──────── Safe Lane Off Lane Mid Lane Jungle Roaming레인OccupantsAny Amount ──────── Solo Lane (1) Dual Lane (2) Tri Lane (3) Quad Lane (4) Pent Lane (5) ──────── Occupants >= 2 Occupants >= 3 Occupants >= 4OccupantsAgainst Opponent: 영웅모든 영웅 ──────── Abaddon Alchemist Ancient Apparition Anti-Mage Arc Warden Axe Bane Batrider Beastmaster Bloodseeker Bounty Hunter Brewmaster Bristleback Broodmother Centaur Warrunner Chaos Knight Chen Clinkz Clockwerk Crystal Maiden Dark Seer Dark Willow Dawnbreaker Dazzle Death Prophet Disruptor Doom Dragon Knight Drow Ranger Earth Spirit Earthshaker Elder Titan Ember Spirit Enchantress Enigma Faceless Void Grimstroke Gyrocopter Hoodwink Huskar Invoker Io Jakiro Juggernaut Keeper of the Light Kez Kunkka Legion Commander Leshrac Lich Lifestealer Lina Lion Lone Druid Luna Lycan Magnus Marci Mars Medusa Meepo Mirana Monkey King Morphling Muerta Naga Siren Nature's Prophet Necrophos Night Stalker Nyx Assassin Ogre Magi Omniknight Oracle Outworld Destroyer Pangolier Phantom Assassin Phantom Lancer Phoenix Primal Beast Puck Pudge Pugna Queen of Pain Razor Riki Ringmaster Rubick Sand King Shadow Demon Shadow Fiend Shadow Shaman Silencer Skywrath Mage Slardar Slark Snapfire Sniper Spectre Spirit Breaker Storm Spirit Sven Techies Templar Assassin Terrorblade Tidehunter Timbersaw Tinker Tiny Treant Protector Troll Warlord Tusk Underlord Undying Ursa Vengeful Spirit Venomancer Viper Visage Void Spirit Warlock Weaver Windranger Winter Wyvern Witch Doctor Wraith King Zeus영웅역할Any Role ──────── 지원 핵심역할레인Any Lane ──────── Opposing Lane ──────── Safe Lane Off Lane Mid Lane Jungle Roaming레인OccupantsAny Amount ──────── Solo Lane (1) Dual Lane (2) Tri Lane (3) Quad Lane (4) Pent Lane (5) ──────── Occupants >= 2 Occupants >= 3 Occupants >= 4Occupants
가장 길었던 게임1:24:35Ember Spirit (1:24:35)패배 2019/01/27, 랭크 매치, 자유 선택최다 처치46Zeus (51:21)승리 2019/12/25, 랭크 매치, 자유 선택최다 도움51Magnus (1:09:19)승리 4개월 전, 랭크 매치, 자유 선택최다 마지막 타격813Necrophos (57:59)승리 8개월 전, 랭크 매치, 자유 선택최다 디나이59Clockwerk (54:03)승리 2019/07/31, 랭크 매치, 자유 선택최다 골드 획득67,971Sniper (1:20:15)승리 2023/01/20, 랭크 매치, 자유 선택최다 획득 경험치87,153Anti-Mage (1:13:18)패배 2개월 전, 랭크 매치, 자유 선택최다 영웅에게 준 피해177,952Zeus (1:13:03)승리 2019/12/29, 랭크 매치, 자유 선택최다 영웅 치료20,653Juggernaut (42:14)승리 8개월 전, 랭크 매치, 자유 선택타워에 가장 많이 준 피해32,680Morphling (45:03)승리 3개월 전, 랭크 매치, 자유 선택최고의 KDA 비율53.00Outworld Destroyer (33:27)승리 2023/01/15, 랭크 매치, 자유 선택최다 처치 참여100.00%Zeus (42:43)승리 2019/07/27, 랭크 매치, 자유 선택최다 연승12Pudge (40:20)승리 2023/01/09, 랭크 매치, 자유 선택최다 연패10Kunkka (47:45)패배 2019/05/23, 랭크 매치, 자유 선택