General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i get verified guys

how do i get verified guys in General Discussion
le charismeur

    do i need to be pro


      To become verified, you have to be so well known a figure that people create/or alter their accounts to try & appear as you. The whole point of verification is so that people searching for a certain player such as Purge or Dendi know that the player they find are the 'real deal.'

      And if you want to appear on the 'players' list, try getting a 49 win streak starting now- then, you will be on the 2nd page of the players with the highest win rate.

      le charismeur


        winnings tough


          Or get invited to TI3


            even the highest winning percentage player didn't get verified status, you just need to be invited to TI in order to get it. No other way if I am not mistaken.


              Top winning percentage players aren't necessarily high skill players. Valve's MMR based on TrueSkill rating tries to normalize your winning percentage to 50% BUT if you fail against top players it will still keep you in lower skill matches. Its more based on how you perform at each skill bracket then what your win percentage actually is. So TrueSkill's goal is to make your next match a 50-50 chance of winning, it doesn't care what your previous win percentage was.


                What is TI?

                  이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                    You're pretty close to getting to the players page. When you get there and people start impersonating you then you will be verified to tell that it's really you. There's no need to be verified if no one's going to bother impersonating you.

                    penguin pimp

                      Most of the people have already answered this but i'm going to too. You need to compete in The International to be a vertified player. The whole point of it is to show the people who are actually themselves instead of any impersonator. I basically just summed up what everyone else said.

                      le charismeur

                        i'm actually on page 1 on my aka grouperfish :)

                        thx for the answers guys


                          Vanomas need to verify, even he is horrible person and player, he is (in)famous in Russia for his "reviews". He is also started to make "guides" for Dota 2.


                            as far as ican tell you don`t have to do shit basicly.... Its all about the web admins adding an entry to a sql table and setting some value in your user table.

                            To make them verify you is another question.


                              It keeps amazing me how people keep misinterpreting win percentage. If you have a high win percentage over a lot of games, unless you found some way to abuse the system (Wisp guy), you are definitely very skilled. It means that the system has a hard time finding players that are better than you. Normally the players you play against vary around your skill level evenly, but if there's not enough players online to choose from that are better than you, you will play against people that are worse than you more often and your win percentage will rise.


                                you should be awesome...aha