General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease if your win rate is below 50%, don't pick CARRY

Please if your win rate is below 50%, don't pick CARRY in General Discussion

    This is an advice for all players, if you are actually under 50% as winning rate please go support or initiator


      And you will get even lower win rate...

      It's far easier to play as a carry with decent supports and win, than win playing as support/initiator when you can't play them well and benefit your team.

      The best advice for any DOTA player would be to play what you play best, but consider yours and enemy's pick. There are plenty of carries with disables who can counter other carries, don't pick Riki if they have BH, etc. Pick anything you want, but pick smart.

      There are plenty of games won every day by teams of 5 carries, even against decent enemy pick of hard carry, semi-carry, 2 supports and solo mid initiator.

      There is no perfect pick, anyone can be countered and anyone can dominate.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        You are barely above 50%...
          이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

            I don't think win percentage tells you that much, except that either you are progressing (rather than good), or play better against good players. Due to the MM your win chance at the start of every match that is not at the absolute top or bottom is roughly 50%
            And I still wonder if it's really true that noobs can best play support or initiate. I believe knowing the right balance between core items and support items and when to initiate and how to deal with your squishiness etc is not something that that easy for new players. I think it's more important to focus on tanky right-click heroes with a lot of passives. For example, I think it's not too bad if a new player picks up an SK, Sven, Ursa or Axe. I would worry if he picks up a Shadow Demon, Wisp or Necrolyte. Ofcourse it's good form to introduce yourself as a new player so the team knows not to rely on your carrying 100%




                agreed.May be winrate is no matter.If you can't control your hero,don't know how last hit creeps.And can't make staks with dominator.


                  you obviously don't understand how mm system works. Just don't get carry if you already have 1-2 on your team


                    Please, if you actually believe a players win ratio is related in any way to what role he should be picking your pub, don't play this game.


                      I guess (hope) that this post is nothing but a troll doing what they do better. So stupid ...

                      Hans die Taube

                        And then you have a team without a carry...


                          sometimes...when you dont but some noob does pick carry
                          and u're GG

                          Lord of the Waffle House

                            Um, Battou, there is no such thing as PUBS in this game right now. There is captains mode, but thats not a "match made match" nor is "All Pick" a pub match. Everything right now is pub because there is only one match making pool. besides that point, your entirely correct, winrate doesn't mean jack for picks unless its below 40%.


                              MM games are public games, lobbys and IHs aren't... If you don't wanna call it a pub that's up to you, but anyone understands what I meant.

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                Thank you +1


                                  great logic here.

                                  lord gryaznii

                                    A bit stupid advice
                                    It's much more easier to win using bloodseekers ult then using dark seers ult, know what I mean

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      TS currently below 50% and picked carries.

                                      SK - 2-10-7 (LOST)
                                      Spectre 0-8-12 (LOST)

                                      you are so bad , its people like you that i would rather not have in my team


                                        I don't give a shit about win rate, but play what you're good at.

                                        If I want to win, I pick support.

                                        If I don't care and just want to have fun with friends, I pick anything, but usually still end up psuedo-supporting with invoker or pudge or something dumb.

                                        Although people put too much emphasis on WR, it is still a vague indicator of how "good" you are. You can only blame teammates/lag/reallife/you get the idea/ for so many games.

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!