General Discussion

General DiscussionAbandoned match stats

Abandoned match stats in General Discussion

    Had a match where 4 players from the other team had disconnected and the last one refused to leave because he wanted the XP, ended up being a 2vs1 match, where I got ridiculous GPM and XPM (~900).

    Now those two stats are pretty much messed up because I can never reach that much in a normal game and I can never know what is the highest GPM/XPM i achieved in a normal match.

    Arent abandoned matches not recorded or so? Anything can be done to get rid of that match's stats?


      Bump. Match ID in question :


        I'll see if I can manually change the match to insignificant. No promises though

        Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

          Tharuler, maybe you should think of a permanent solution to this problem.


            Thanks alot Tharuler.


              There is no permanent solution Typhox. Blame valve.



                A similar request: I and a friend just had a game where a guy from the enemy team abandoned, and everybody left but one enemy, so my friend and I stayed. Unfortunately, the guy got fed badly and we tried to fill the gap with him, but it never happened, because he had too much gold per minute being alone.

                The game did NOT count for our stats in the game, but on dotabuff it did. Why? And can you please make this game "insignificant"? Thank you :)


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