safe abandon gets recorded as a loss both in game and on dotabuff
early abandon doesn't get recorded as a loss but still shows up
Early abandon game didn't show up. (Won the game with 1 early abandon on my side).
I didn't show as a loss in game either. That's why it's called safe abandon.
uh no you are confused
safe abandon is not the same as early abandon :)
no stats are recorded with early abandon
a loss is recorded with safe abandon if you lose
if you play an Early Abandon game:
if leaver in your team, and you win, win is recorded (same for lose)
if leaver in enemy team, and you win, its not recorded. if you lose its recorded
im not sure about this, its something that i noticed in my games couple of times. maybe its bug can someone confirm it???
it's kinda retarded how much u contribute to the game but dc for like 5 min and come back and win just to get another abandon and loss in your profile.
^coming from the sad cunt who makes heapf of account to try make himself look good, and no their isnt leagues in this game, go back to starcraft u panhead.
nice accounts bro, cool life u live.
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