Yeah it's great idea,i think, but Valve will not do this, it's will be so similar to LOL!
It's such a shitty idea, I don't know why I'm bumping this thread with this post.
It causes you to play like a complete faggot in normals and super tryhard to the point you're not having fun in ranked or other people don't make it fun.
Dota is fine the way it is now
Yeah this is a good idea.
Being a try hard is called playing to win. If you don't like it, don't play. Otherwise get better. Kthx
Unranked games are just for people too pussy enough to play without caring.
Why is it you care about your rating so much that valve must implement an entirely new game mode (Ontop of your non ranked bot play, mind you), just for you?
@rambo I tried to be civilized, but you're an extreme faggot if you think players actively being more douchebaggy then typically expected in the already trashy dota community that you have to mute everyone in to opt in to play a ranked mode. The results would kill the game and I'd go play HoN, a game I've never played before, because it doesn't have this shitty mode.
I like the idea of only being ranked when I choose to play a ranked game.
Sometimes I like to MM, but not necessarily play to my strong suit (role, hero, etc), and I don't think that should be reflected in my ranking.
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One thing that I really like about League of Legends is their matchmaking system. They give you the option of playing games that do not affect your official rating (for casual gamers) and they also give you the option of playing ranked games (in order to try and increase your ranking). I don't really play LoL that much so don't quote me on this but I believe that the matchmaking system for unranked games is primarily based on your account's level whereas the ranked games are based on your ranking. Regardless of how it actually works, I think that Dota 2 would greatly benefit from a system similar to this one.