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    1745(95%) platinum


      Dotabuff Rating
      2188 (Diamond)


        What is the number of players right now? like how many players is that 1% difference?


          Dotabuff Rating
          1764 (Platinum)




            Dotabuff Rating
            1204 (Gold) Percentile 51%
            Games W187 / L175

            Lol, there are loads of people worse than me. I feel for them, I really do.


              ^ Yep, i'm worse than you.
              But still we are considered below average, not good at all


                I consider myself to be somewhere in the vicinity of 'utter drivel','rotting sewage' or 'retarded banquet'.

                Yet I still have fun.


                  Also, I think you'll find I'm above average...51% and all


                  Sorry for double.

                    이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                      smurf accounts?

                      I forgot nothing, I have no idea what that is. Still, 51%!!!!

                      Leave me to my fantasy land, it's nice in here.


                        There are thousands of accounts with just 1 or 2 games played
                        Try reducing those from your % and realise you are below average
                        Also, i have 15 wins that db doesn't have yet, with only 2 loses. that probably increases my dbr by 50 or something


                          Do they count? If you have little games played your DBR will be "pending".

                          packet canceled

                            Dotabuff Rating 1013 (Silver)

                            Percentile 32%

                            I'm so trash at this gem


                              HA HA, looking at your profile and then mine....and I have a higher rating. Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-oh-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho.

                              Very strange. You have more games, higher win ratio, more wins, higher KDA's and you're probably playing in higher skill games than me.

                              Screwed up stats are screwed.


                                muppet dont feed him, hes most probably trolling. since he won that amateur tournament with his team this weekend he might felt like drinking a tad too much or something ^^


                                  1058 (Silver) Percentile 33%
                                  Compared to the most peaple im still noob.
                                  I expected somthing like this, because im a pretty bad support player.
                                  Is it possible, that dotabuff doesn't show recent matches?
                                  I had a 8 wins streak and doesn't shown :(
                                  Even if i turn privacy off.


                                    Read the banner message at the top of every single page... they can't get new data (well, won't. They can, just not using their old methods).


                                      Dotabuff Rating
                                      1762 (Platinum)


                                      Nr 1, one man army

                                        2039 (Diamond) - Yolo


                                            2274 diamond 99%
                                            Easy game easy life


                                              Dotabuff Rating
                                              1600 (Platinum)

                                              not easy for me... been found lots of noobs lately... :(

                                              World Emperor

                                                1557 (Platinum)
                                                not as good as I expected :-<


                                                  If you are constantly playing against lower rated players your DBR will not increase or if it does, it will do so extremely slowly, while losing these games will lose you quite a lot of rating points. I remember in HoN, around the 1700 level you would be the highest person in the game for most games, and you would only gain 0-1 points if you won those games, but lose 5-10 if you lose. Note that in HoN the starting point is 1500 and the highest ranked player is about 2040 or something.

                                                  It's why rating > win%, it takes into account, or at least tries to, the skill level of each player and weights each win/loss.

                                                  gloopie bungus

                                                    Gold and I have 25 lag abandons and a bazillion troll games plus i lag out every game so I guess I'm super pro


                                                      ^singsing plays with <50% noobs on his team against pros every game, goes troll builds, and is ranked like 33 or something


                                                        2306 99%

                                                        mode: vova uragan 2012

                                                          Dotabuff Rating 1474 (Platinum)

                                                          Percentile 81%


                                                            988 bronze


                                                              lol not sure if broken rating or "noobs" arent posting their stats here, looks like too many people are over 90% percentile :D

                                                              1412 (Gold) 75%

                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                850 - Bronze, lower 12% - which mean I absolutely suck-@zz!!


                                                                  1883 (Platinum) 98%


                                                                    Dotabuff Rating
                                                                    2049 (Diamond)


                                                                    gloopie bungus

                                                                      Yea, you_got_fukt he is also asian a professional player and has likley owned dota longer than the 9 months ive been playing it


                                                                        1597, (89%), was expectin way above, since my friends which have lower skill than me got over 2000 DBR :D

                                                                        But what can i do, it is as it is :)

                                                                        I wreak havoc among the c...

                                                                          1604 (Platinum) 90%

                                                                          I can say I am satisfied even doe I play solo.

                                                                          What I wanted to ask, is DBR legimate (don't know if spelled correctly)? Reason I am asking this is, I saw two guys that have maybe 10 DBR points of difference, the first one has 56,xx% win percentage with 2000+ DBR, the other has <strong>merely</strong> above 50% with 19xx. First one is Diamond with 99%, the other one is Platinum with 98%. What I don't get is, should there be that big difference between win percentage and so little between the ranks and DBR points?

                                                                          p.s. don't know if you'll get my point because English is not my primary.


                                                                            win percentage doesn't matter at all. If you are good at the game, and make a noob account you can up your win rate really fast (up to a certain point where your mmr goes to where it should be). If you on average get better at the game over time and make it to a high skill level based on progress your win rate will be more even.

                                                                            But in the end, no win rate doesn't mean anything. You could potentially have a win rate of 45 percent and be in platinum/diamond


                                                                              No you cant.


                                                                                dbr: 1011
                                                                                i am so glad i have such a high dbr! if anyone is willing, can they give me some tips to dota 2! i love u all! am so glad that i just turned 13 last month so i could finally play dota 2 on steam!!! <3 u all xoxoxoxo

                                                                                gloopie bungus

                                                                                  I lold ^


                                                                                    Expected to be more.. Shame on me.. shame :(


                                                                                      2358 (Diamond)
                                                                                      Percentile 99%
                                                                                      i have no idea i was this high lol :p
                                                                                      seeing other ppl comment i think this is high enough


                                                                                        using the webapi, dbr rate will be functional? (updated)?

                                                                                        Solo Sheep

                                                                                          1868 / 98th Percentile

                                                                                          I need to stop trolling around. 0_0


                                                                                            2283 (Diamond)
                                                                                            Percentile 99%