General Discussion

General DiscussionRemember this one!!!

Remember this one!!! in General Discussion
Maria Alejandra Roa Garcia

    Hey guys, the story is that my mother died 20 years ago. And it was terrible, it was car accident. So this guys started to blame my mother and i told it... The story u can see in the game demo.

    Please watch it and remember this guy.

    His dotabuff:
    His Steam: STEAM_0:1:53695716

    Hope he will be banned from DOTA2 forever.


      it was car accident.


        There are people on the internet who actually care then there are living proof trolls do exist in real life without basic human feelings etc etc. This is one of them, sorry for what he put you thru but honestly posting it on a forums where he hasn't activied his match sharing history won't help. Not trying to sound like an Ahole either. I'm sorry for your loss :\


          I checked the replay but apparently only all chat is displayed

          Gnome Chompski

            so? get off the internet if he hurt your feelings. what a pussy you are


              +1 to the comment above

              Deep Diving Dereck


                You probably don't even remember your own mom after 20 years, forget the whore already.


                  ^LOL DUUUDE


                    Best you can do is report them ingame and maybe get a thank you message from dota2/valve like I did about actions that were taken against them.

                    Maria Alejandra Roa Garcia

                      Probably i remember my mom, cause i was 5 years old.

                      In chat he wished that my Dad will die too and me either.

                      Pussy ? man, i dont wish you to be in the situation that i was, i dont wish anybody that.

                      dookie daddy

                        Question.....I know your mum jokes pop up every now and then but why would an accident that happened 20 years ago be the topic of conversations.

                        Lets run a scenario..

                        G1 - your mum is fat
                        G2 - my mum died 20 years ago
                        G3 - *insert off comment*

                        How is he supposed to know that you aren't trolling as well as the common comeback is "well my mum died, who's the funny one now.

                        Sorry for you loss but how this topic came up in a dota2 game in beyond me, keep the chin up and 20 years ago was when you were probably too small to remember (based on a guess of about 22-24yo) and if you were older that would make you like 30-40, so man up, this is the internet where people talk shit.

                        Maria Alejandra Roa Garcia

                          Im talking that there have to be some walls between trolling and really telling uncivilized things. I dont care if someone will call me a shit or e.t.c. but, taking a parents in the conversation.... i think u have to be very low person to do that.


                            just report him, delete friend and block.
                            many people will insult at you. it's your choice to hear it or not.
                            and it happen for everyone.
                            it's how the world works i think, and sorry for your loss.

                            dookie daddy

                              I agree whole-heartedly but..........welcome to the internet!!


                                "have to be some walls between trolling and really telling uncivilized things"

                                Exactly: welcome to the internet! There is no walls you know. You cannot take seriously every offensive comment.. and make new topic about it, lol


                                  You can just mute everyone in game, especially those on the other team who will try to troll sooner or later...Prevention!