this shit made me laugh
on topic: tell him that he has to listen to you (always) and that any hero can be support/carry/tank/whatever. That the basic shit to do things well is FARM and not chasing stupid fucks around the map. THAT you lose money once you die, that DENYING IS IMPORTANT and to learn the range of effect of the skills of most heroes so that he can learn where to maintain his position. Other than that, just exp (play a lot)
im more looking into the differences in game mechanics in LoL, I've never played LoL.
All i can think of is basically stuff about map awareness and dont die :))
read guides / read stuff about mechanics / watch replays and then try to apply everything in game
@daryldeal there's a guide called "Welcome to DOTA You Suck." Have him read that and use the sidebar resources in r/dota2
theres alot of hate for lol here. just play man he will learn or he will lose thats just the game. just listen to benao->Pringles->Lifedancer he knows his shit and as for game mechanics thats not really a relevant detail in comparison to learning to last hit and deny. when it comes to game play only experience will let him know the depths of his hero.
go on skype and lane with him, tell him each and every step.
Some extra things to note, It takes longer for mid to gank btm in Dota than LoL.
Level 1 jungle is not easy like in LoL.
Stacking and pulling.
Teach him about armor and magic resist which scales different from LoL
In Dota many heroes require mana control unlike LoL
You teach him that supports are underestimated and offer an invaluable appreciation from players who acknowledge their importance. Every new player should master support, as it is the most difficult role to master without being a feeder bitch.
When you know how to pull for your carry, ward the map correctly and sacrifice your own ego to aid your teammates, you may move on to the less demanding roles. If more people did this, DotA2 would be of much higher quality and matchmaking would might actually be enjoyable.
SO to say i did what the previous guy said
and now i can play every role comfortably... Though ive been playing for like 10 years.. xD
tell him to add in his dota 2 autoexec.cfg this:
// right-click deny
dota_force_right_click_attack "1"
that why he doesn't have to us 'a' right click bro. Heroes to master first in no particular order:
Zues, Lich, Lion, ursa, riki, venomancer.
Zues transition into sniper. Lich into lina or dazzle. Ursa into any melee hero. Riki into any stealth. Venomancer into viper or any range aglity. Most noobs will never learn anything playing sniper first until they mater zues. I hope understand where I'm coming from.
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I have a friend who plays a lot of LoL and will transition to Dota 2, what are a couple of things you can teach or advised him?