General Discussion

General DiscussionRemove the following Hero's from all pick.

Remove the following Hero's from all pick. in General Discussion


    Every idiot thinks he is Dendi, Majority of the time the pudges are terrible, they are rocking DC hooks but cannot use the character to save their lives. Granted some of them are good, this is not very often.
    The character itself is very situational even in pub games(LOLOLOL, anyone with a quarter of their brain capacity functioning can counter pudge) It is a selfish pick, Probably call of duty players, Trash tier character.


    The most selfish useless character pick of them all, Add's nothing to a team unless the team is willing to give it all up and maintain the snipers wellbeing. Majority of snipers are complete trash. Terrible useless hero.

    Nyx assasin:

    Broken as fuck


    The worst hero in the game, I've seen maybe 10 good bloodseekers in 2000 games, trash tier character.

    Natures prophet:

    Pick prophet -> 10 minute midas -> Don't gank lanes -> use ulti to farm -> complain team is losing 4v5

    Disgusting character, used ineffectively by most people, remove asap.

    This sums it up for all the trash tier all pick characters, with these characters removed higher level gameplay will be guarenteed and the community as a whole will benefit from this.



        이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

          "Moral of the story? Get into a better bracket where you don't play with morons clinging to low tier pubstomp heros"

          Granted I solo que 99% of my games on this account, Im in high tier, it is concerning how many people are still utterly trash in high tier and these are common picks in high tier. Smurf noob account is in Very high tier but I refuse to play that unless im in a 5 man stack. So for now, Cleaning up all pick would be the best course of action. Remove these gimmick characters and be done with it.

          The worst is yet to come though, the day techies are released is when all pick dies.

          GOTCHA HAT!

            whats proken with nyx lol? there a lot of good pudges but if theres 0 support from team he really cand do much. i would undestand if you told batrides,pa,naix is broken but for reall why nix? its easy to conter him just get gem and wallk togedar as 5man team




                @Icon, even in VH people are fucking trash.

                Anyway OP is pretty much right, note that he isnt calling these heroes OP or anything, but rather that the general playstyle of these heroes by lower level players is outright garbage.

                @Meow; sniper sucks balls. Can't farm for shit, needs to be baby sat in order to farm and not feed, and even then needs a BKB to survive any kind of gank from someone with a blink/pseudo blink ability or dagger, but that takes up basically all of his early game farm and leaves him with no DPS, and still needs to farm at the same speed as CK...except CK is a beast in the lane and can gank/get involved in kills and deals monstrous DPS with very few items. Sniper is a shitty hero, but a hell of a lot worse when there is a shit cunt scrub that farms at 2CS/year on him.

                And stop talking about how these heroes "should" be played, because yes, if everyone did that it would be GREAT. But the fact is, the vast majority of pub players, even in VH, play these heroes in extremely ineffective ways, and it sucks being in games with such players.


                  even i can counter dendi pudge in pubs, ofc your teammates will be countered and fail with pudge

                  bloodseeker is a situational pick, he can do nothing vs nukers on mid but if he farms lothar with the babysit he can be very useful

                  same goes for sniper

                  nyx broken as fuck


                    Well from my experience on my bracket people who pick those heroes use them very well. Specially pudge I hate going against that guy you'll be paranoid every sec of the game. Nyx? Same thing. Sniper if he uses distance very well with your team not having stuns/lockdown he owns. BS mid who ganks lanes or arrives just in time after every clash to cleanup? Prophet who ganks and teleports every lane and split pushes will win games. All heroes given to good players are scary imo. My suggestion play more games eventually the players get really better I mean you'll get stomped hard if you dont use your best hero.


                      Game mode: All Pick
                      Hero availability: Limited
                      Logic level: Over 9000


                        I agree about bloodseeker, trash char. But idk about the rest. I'm just getting tired of all the PL and Drow pickers

                        Ming (Zufälliger König)

                          nyx broken? lol noobs. 10min gem settles nyx forever


                            Nyx is an initiator with broken carapace noobs.. He play hard support ftw


                              "I agree about bloodseeker, trash char. But idk about the rest. I'm just getting tired of all the PL and Drow pickers"

                              Excessive amounts of these 2 characters are played yes, However they are not as bad as people make them out to be.

                              The characters i listed are the absolute scrub tier characters. Given that if they are played properly they can be insanely scary, having said that so can any other character. These few are just the worst of the worst.

                              Pl and drow are only bull shit if you let them be bull shit.

                              Josh  :D

                                You're natures prophet assessment cracks me up. I'm 27/12 with him so far this week (almost 69%+ win rate). He's a pretty hard carry if played right. His ulti is a farming tool. If it's going to be an ugly match I'll even go ags so that I can keep the lanes pushed back even farther to give my team time to get their farm in as well (it doesn't hurt that it makes me fat either). I made a PA cry because I had a butterfly and MKB along with being around 7 levels ahead of her. We all have matches like that along with some in the other direction, but this guy is absurd. Not to mention if you watch the map you're almost guaranteed to kill their courier at least once.

                                Candidly it sounds like you've been playing too much solo queue. If they took out the heroes you asked for, then you would just bitch about other heroes because of the same root problem: random mm mates.


                                  SF in my team — free lose. Same with pudge.


                                    idk, i seem to always lose against SF, he just farms farms farms, and we cant handle stopping him, unless we got some way, or brain :D


                                      "{zFg} NofugginwayJosh"

                                      I clearly state that these hero's are played ineffectively by most, I didn't say the hero was bad, a good NP will win the game 9 times out of 10 purely cause of how fucked the character is. My assesment of the hero is how a majority of people play it. Especially the asians who just sit in jungle and farm their late as fuck midas then never tp into fights.

                                      We all know how scary NP can be.


                                        Well @icon I dont know bout you but I encounter about 7 out of 10 people who know how to handle this heroes and its a headache if I dont use my heroes they will tear you apart that sniper and prophet sucks balls ofcourse if not played properly

                                        Slow Hands

                                          Just wait until Techies is released...


                                            They should just ban you


                                              you have phantom lancer best hero , probably the most broken hero these days so pls stop crying about other heros :o

                                              Woof Woof

                                                Lol at this
                                                @Moral of the story? Get into a better bracket where you don't play with morons clinging to low tier pubstomp heros@

                                                LOL guy has almost 900wins at 50.72% when is he going to reach that next bracket if he isnt a part of it allready :DDD maybe he needs to play 1k games more?
                                                in hon he would be 1800+ mmr so every game with non retarded players while playerbase there is like 40k on average

                                                Kovid Kevin

                                                  Came in expecting another PL rant - left disappointed


                                                    its not about the winrate or the number of games, its about the ones who u win against, and ofc u must have some decent number of games so that u dont get to play with guys who have 100 games and 60% even though they r nubs


                                                      Mr.chips who got the highest number of games played or highest lvl in dota, with 3500+ games played got only 5 games in very high bracket

                                                      Woof Woof

                                                        so a random smurf with 4 wins that is in vh bracket is better than Mr.chips seems legit


                                                          yes he is, i have a smurf account, which i made just to train on meepo in public matches instead of against bots, and i went into very high skill bracket in a matter of 10 games, chips still doesnt have more than 5-6 games in very high bracket in the past year..
                                                          so ya we r better than him, unless u r not in very high bracket, which u r in it..


                                                            well isn't this annoying, PL and drow picker, the 2 most OP heroes in the game, and yet u whine about pudge and sniper? Those 2 heroes are anytime more fun than Cancer and +9000000 free agi

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다


                                                              Depressing as all hell

                                                              Sniper says TA isn't a viable mid anymore after being nerfed, solo's offlane and builds dagon.

                                                              High tier game :s

                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                It's funny because PL is your most played hero.


                                                                  xD yeah looked also at his stats and only thought "y ofc lancer most time picked wtf" xDDD


                                                                    Kill yourself Icon.


                                                                      Man this dude just sounds like a bitch. Learn to counter hero's and out smart players. Nothing needs to be changed. All pick is all pick. Not Select Pick. Pussy bol


                                                                        "Man this dude just sounds like a bitch. Learn to counter hero's and out smart players. Nothing needs to be changed. All pick is all pick. Not Select Pick. Pussy bol"


                                                                        Prophet is an incredible hero, when played properly. These are the serial offenders of trash-tier play. I was tempted to put huskar in there but hes not very common.


                                                                          Registrations have begun on this new Dota 2 Tournament. This is a international tournament. Because it has only recentely been organized the prize money and the different sponsors and people endorsing this tournament have not been completely set in concrete so all people in the Steam Group will be kept updated on this information as well. Currentely alot of the casting will be done by PyrionFlax and semi-finals and finals will be posted on Youtube. Any other commentary or casting has not been planned yet. Please pass on this information to anyone you think will be interested. Join the steam group specified below and if there are any additional questions please contact us via the Teamspeak specified below.

                                                                          Steam Group:

                                                                          edit: please contact my steam to get the password for the teamspeak.


                                                                            "Prophet is an incredible hero, when played properly"

                                                                            So is almost every hero. I don't see your point.


                                                                              Nyx is broken, thats why he got nerfed, his carapace is the bug spell, rest r just meh, idc about them, but his carapace gives a 2.5 stun to every piece of shit who focuses u..
                                                                              sniper can get out of control, just get a shadow blade, but ofc he need someone to baby sit him, i dont even think he requires farm, his headshots r just so damn annoying, we dont need his dmg, his headshot feels like a stun for me, 45% chance, thats so fucking high, but he is ofc easily killable, a pudge can kill him with 1 hook + dismember (proper one with rot)
                                                                              he got like 940 hp at lvl 18 or so

                                                                              Papa Het

                                                                                PL and Drow top 2 heroes, complains about other heroes. Nice!


                                                                                  @KirkTheRipperHammett, pls read properly, he never said Pudge is OP, or the other mentioned heroes r OP, he just said that if it these heroes r picked then its a GG, as these heroes r almost useless and do nothing for the team..
                                                                                  and DR is like 10th highest winrate this week, so she isnt top 2 heroes, and PL is dropping a little (by 1+% winrate), because of that kotl nerf, kotl dropped from top 3 to maybe 20th highest winrate now, all these r in this particualr week, use filter


                                                                                    "Prophet is an incredible hero, when played properly"

                                                                                    So is almost every hero. I don't see your point.

                                                                                    u fkn blind idiot?

                                                                                    The character's i have listed are the main culprits of autistic gameplay. ANY HERO YES CAN BE BULL SHIT WHEN GETTING A SIGNIFICANT LEAD IN A GAME, I AM NOT DISPUTING THAT AT ALL.

                                                                                    weebs have needle penis

                                                                                      You have a LoL syndrome. This is a pub, all pick game, and you want to limit the heroes ?
                                                                                      And how nyx or any other hero can be broken, I all depends on the player skill. You assume that if for eg:
                                                                                      NP was banned and the player that was supposed to play NP and play him like trash, would pick any other hero he would suck less with this other pick ? There is no BROKEN, or OP, or USELESS hero, there are just ppl peoples that cant make proper palys with the picked hero (read, Bliss with his Lone Druid - Your eyes could bleed if you saw this).
                                                                                      Only OP hero in game is Ursa, but that comes form his skill :)

                                                                                      So, generally you need to calm your tits, and think about it.


                                                                                        Bliss a day ago

                                                                                        here is no BROKEN, or OP, or USELESS hero


                                                                                        Only OP hero in game is Ursa




                                                                                          1. Don't play AP
                                                                                          2. Kill yourself for picking PL


                                                                                            Sniper and Drow are just stomp heroes. You pick them all your games and you finish on Very high bracket soon enough. But it doesn't mean you know how to play them at VH level.
                                                                                            Pudge requires a bit more skills but still remains a 2 buttons-I-killed-someone on normal bracket. but deny him the 15 first minutes of ganking and he becomes useless for the rest of the game.

                                                                                            Those heroes are brainless pubstomp, they are easy to use vs people who doesn't know all the game mecanism. Especialy warding. But when players reach the top, they face the fact that they don't really know how to use them well and they don't know how to use and counter other heroes as well.

                                                                                            weebs have needle penis

                                                                                              Ursa has an ability called Overpower, and that was a joke man. Just read to the end, and dont pick half of a sentence.


                                                                                                ITT: People don't have any fucking clue what OP is on about.

                                                                                                I mostly agree mate, but I don't think all that much can be done, noobs will be noobs.


                                                                                                  So, only 5 heroes are played bad at lower levels? Why don't you delete 60-80 heroes and keep only the easiest ones so you won't get mad when someone plays a hero "in the wrong way".

                                                                                                  But your post is a projection of yourself. You play easy broken heroes (PL, prenerf Drow, KotL, Luna, BH) with high efficiency and fail miserably with Invoker (you are probably a Dendi-wannabe). Ironic.

                                                                                                  No heroes should be deleted, only MM system should be fixed (for starter make the system algorithm public, so proper feedback could be given).


                                                                                                    @spencer pooty

                                                                                                    I am actually quite a decent invoker, Win rate doesnt really reflect the truth.

                                                                                                    Me a Dendi-wannabe? Dendi's invoker is nothing to look up to my friend, He is skilled no doubt but to say I play the best character in the game because I want to be Dendi is absolutely ridiculous. If you actually looked at my invoker games you would know im not a poor invoker.

                                                                                                    Having said that, invoker is very level reliant and if shut down early becomes useless very quickly.


                                                                                                      It's funny when people call heroes that have been in this game since it's creation 'broken'. People need to understand that there is a difference between a hero being viable in the current metastate of the game.. and being inherently broken. Nyx was considered a situational pub stomper pick for the longest time in the original dota. Now people see him geling in certain 'pro' lineups and suddenly he's broken.



                                                                                                        Spiked carapace is the most disgusting ability in dota.