General Discussion

General DiscussionWorld record for fastest farm?

World record for fastest farm? in General Discussion
Totentanz to The King: M ...



      I've done 12 minute Battlefury on AM, would have been insane GPM if enemy team didn't abandon only a few seconds after I picked it up :(

      packet canceled

        that's slow


          i once saw a pl getting 950 lh in 'bout 50 min...thats a lot IMO


            i had 1k LH before one hour mark :> Must be pro


              yet u


                AM no good carry late :(

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Actually I had 11 min battlefury on AM in a 1v1 lane. It wasn't even safe farm. Also there was one game between EG and SHZ while PL farmed 1k something creeps. Damn that was one long game.


                    @sam, doesn't count, it was a really high cs/minute, but a LOT of them were for two reasons -QB bug and also furion + undying, this was the go audio dude or something yeah?

                    Anyway, Meracle's farm with Naga is batshit insane, the fuck is with that guy? Personally I've had a 3 minute midas and 13 minute tranqs + midas + Manta on Luna which I was pretty happy with.

           - naga 1017 last hits 65 min game
           - naga 616 in 49 minutes, no furion/enig/whatever
           - naga 548 in 43 minutes, again no furion/enig/etc
           - naga 589 in 43 minutes (furion though)

                    Fairly consistent too, I mean with SF/AM/PL/Luna this is pretty easy stuff if you focus quite a lot on farming, but with Naga, dayum, not to say that Naga is a slow farmer by any means, just not THAT fast.

                    edit: he averages just over 800GPM with Luna after 17 matches

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      Naga's farm isn't that slow, she has illusions plus rip tide.

                      And that Meracle guy plays Radiance naga, radiance naga farms faster than PL/SF/Luna/etc..