General Discussion

General DiscussionLF PEOPLE TO FORM A TEAM (EU)

LF PEOPLE TO FORM A TEAM (EU) in General Discussion

    Hello everyone i will present us first .

    mYstic eSports team -
    You can find a website of the team in the steam group, and you can join the group as well, if you need some playeres to play pubs with.

    These are some of our matches in between of 3800-4200 rating -

    Me and my friend wants to change the line up of the team, since some of our members are inactive, so, basically, if you feel that you can play with us, feel free to add me or bmzye (links at the bottom of the thread). P.S. we are looking for 3 more players (any role is available atm, we'll discuss about it). Our main goal is to form a stable team, play some Team matchmaking matches first, to meet new players and so, and after we make a stable lineup, start playing a bit seriously, and go competitive scene.

    Requirements: +50% win ratio, +500 played matches, must be older then 18, non ragers, able to accept criticsm, ENGLISH speakers (we do not care if you are russian as long as you know to speak English!)

    We are from Serbia, and our english is fluent (at least mine xD), so we'll preferably like to form a Balkan team, but everyone's welcome to apply.

    Good luck to all, Regards!

    Mbrain -

    bmzye -

    EDIT: Looking for the last member (support) right now.


      me,me,me! pick me! :D


        pikachu :)


          i want to join but iam albanian

          Finschken ♥ #LongLiveAlli...

            You're freind is not passing into you're own requirements..
            Whats wrong with people and this 50% win?


              @ Volex Who cares if you are Albanian or any other nations who is conflict with Serbians :) If you play good you will be added in team so no worry :) Add someone of us and you will play some CM's or TM's .

              @ Timi Bro with or without 50% wins i'm playing in 4200 teams rating matches , most of my matches as you see are with proper items and skill builds , and most impressive is that i'm have good KDR at carry's/not carry's heroes . Same some time i'l try to get non used items to see how it goes at some matches against other heroes :) .

              But who knows always in some threads you need to find a TROLLFACE!!! If you do not wanna play in team or to discus proper please don't post here anything!!!


                i'l give a try ,only 450 games tho


                  @Timi yes, he has less then 50% win ratio, but he's at 49.64%, and that's just coz he's solo queueing most of the time, and he's been my friend for a couple of years, and I know how good or how bad can he play, and what his 'talents' are. Nothing's wrong. People with +50% win ratio have a bit better knowledge than ppl with less than 50% win ratio. Not saying that one are better and the other are worse. All I am saying is that ppl with more than 50% win ratio have better knowledge then the ppl with less than 50%. All that matters in this game is teamplay, not KD:R or smth like that.

                  @Volex Doesn't matter where are you from, as I already stated, as long as you speak English. We do not have nothing against anyone on this world, we're all people. ;)

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    ok add me same name

                      이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                        Pošto ste iz Srbije pricat cu na "našem", ja sam iz Hrvatske , znam engleski, 500 matcheva nemam odigranih, ali imam oko 7 god iskustva s dotom, tako da ako ste zainteresirani mozete me slobodno testirat. Sretno !


                          Pravila vec znas , dodaj nas i videcemo dalje .

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            add, skype Killsvich





                                Autism is great

                                  i can play with you on my new account ! >>>>

                                    이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                                      Bump :)


                                        Add me. We can try to play together. Though I play in the evening mostly...

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                          Implying that winrates prove your skill level in the game,


                                            kdelivuk -

                                            500 mečeva nemam (još) .. no imam preko 8 god iskustva (Dota,HoN, Dota2) ... najviše igram solo mid ili hard carry rolu ... 90% mečeva mi je solo mmr tako da imam dosta loseova , al pobogu , zato i tražim tim ;)



                                              guys you need to add us , and contact us ...




                                                  bump ... still need players , but only thous who are active ...


                                                    Hay frattelo , if u still need player i am up...I am active ,but when i have traning or matches in RL , i cant play dota ofc...So , i think i am skilled , u can try me , playing any role, Hard carry,carry,Mid-support,hard support , Can handle mid also. So if u wanna try me , ADD me , OBYTO , see u amgio! :) EU.

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                    Royce du Pont

                                                      Yeah, contact me if you still need a support.


                                                        bmzye will add you soon and we can try it

